Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Harvest

1. 6 Sep 2010 12:45


Now more than ever I feel the need to engage ourselves in a positive mindset.
In this time of our poor economy I am reminded of our blessings.
The fruit of our labor comes to my mind.
Let's take a look at our lives with a renewed
pride in our accomplishments.

Harvest Syn:
gather, pick, reap, produce, recompense, reward

2. 6 Sep 2010 13:51


may be it's my poor English, but I didn't understand the last two lines...

3. 6 Sep 2010 21:42


Clorophilla, I believe she means synonyms for harvest are also allowable including gather, pick, reap, etc. We Americans do tend to abbreviate everything, even when we speak!

4. 7 Sep 2010 01:18


Yes, Clorophilla, Mrozowski is correct. Some synonyms for harvest have been suggested in my last two lines.

5. 7 Sep 2010 01:23


ehm... Rosie... have you noticed you won the challenge "Back to school"? Now we wait you to start the Mugdots challenge LXVII!

6. 7 Sep 2010 22:10


Clorophilla... I have had no idea that I had won anything. I am new at TD challenges and I do not know how to start a "Mugdots Challenge" Sorry. But, if I did, I think I would make it "Halloween"