Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - AUGUST TOP 5 WINNERS

1. 3 Sep 2010 09:56


Congratulations Top 5 Winners Old and New...another great gallery!

2. 3 Sep 2010 11:17


Congrats to all. We have such talented artists on TD!

3. 3 Sep 2010 11:26


Congratulations to all old and new.... and myself .... many thanks for your votes. I only want to point out two things:

1- Just out of curiosity - our talented artist Arw 65 has won Top 5 prizes EVERY MONTH ever since she entered our community!!!!

2- There were FOUR dancing couples in August Top 5. What a coincidence!!!

4. 3 Sep 2010 11:42


Yes congratulations to all our artists- and thank you all for allowing me to be among such excellent artist- and Polenta- i didn't make the top 5 the month I joined, but i am happy to have the honor of being in the top 5 for the past 21 months.

5. 3 Sep 2010 12:47


Congratulations to everyone. Remarkable topics and pics this month.

6. 3 Sep 2010 14:46


Congrats to Top 5s and all for sharing your great talents at TD in August. And I'd personally like to express my great appreciation for your votes and warm comments. This is such a wonderful community and hope I can keep up with everyone here!

7. 4 Sep 2010 04:30


congrats to all and expecially for the new entries!
Thank you very much for your appreciation, and thanks TD for being a wanderful ongoing inspiration for all us!

8. 4 Sep 2010 04:35


Adding my congratulations to all Top 5 artists. Excellent, excellent work. And thanks to you for all your comments and encouragement.

9. 4 Sep 2010 07:09


It's my turn. Congratulations to all talented artists on TD and thanks for your appreciation and support! I'm enjoying TD (and TD community) that help me in hard periods of time...

10. 4 Sep 2010 08:48


Congratulations to all top 5 and those who should deserve!!! Addiction to TD makes us alive..creative, wanting to do more..share experiences, appreciation!!!Thanks to all the kind people who took time to vote and to's always a pleasure to pass by "noticed"!! THANKS TD!!!

11. 4 Sep 2010 14:31


Congratulations to all!!!

12. 4 Sep 2010 18:07


Congrats to all top 5 winners . Seems the pics are getting better and better. I am in awe.

13. 5 Sep 2010 19:29


Congrats to all the top 5 winners! Great show!!

14. 8 Sep 2010 06:50


Congratulation to August top-5 winners.You relly are great artists!!!