Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Challenge LI - Animal Farm by G. Orwell

1. 3 Sep 2010 05:24


You can depict scenes from the book, or draw individual animals in a farmyard setting. Originality is a must, new pictures only, because of timing I will allow two weeks ending Friday 17th September. Judging will commence following day. Thank you and enjoy.

2. 3 Sep 2010 07:28


Great idea... I never imagined that I'll be drawing a chicken!

3. 3 Sep 2010 15:11


I tried to do this in candy...tough choice, hope it works, couldn't find the right pieces to add the pig, still got a rooster in there! Had to put in a pix of my own, don't worry it's not eligible lol.

4. 5 Sep 2010 11:15


Clo at this rate you might win

5. 5 Sep 2010 11:50


I've never read the book- but here's a pic for you

6. 5 Sep 2010 11:58


and here is an oldie-

7. 5 Sep 2010 14:47


8. 7 Sep 2010 01:30


Ash I really like your picture of the adoring calf staring at you with it's big brown gorgeous eyes, really nicely drawn.

9. 7 Sep 2010 01:31


And Clo what a beautiful pastoral scene with the windmill, lovely.

10. 9 Sep 2010 01:21


it is amazing how quickly two weeks can pass people, we need those entries for this challenge, keep em coming please!

11. 9 Sep 2010 01:59


I noticed that in these last weeks it's difficult to collect enough pics for the challenges. maybe many people is still on holidays?

12. 9 Sep 2010 03:19


Perhaps there are too many challenges maybe, should it be reduced to one proper challenge so that people perhaps are not overwhelmed with the sheer number of pictures requested...What do you think?

13. 9 Sep 2010 04:10


for promoting the challenge!

14. 9 Sep 2010 04:13


I don't think so... there are currently only two challenges, as always has been... it offers more options, I don't feel it overwhelmed. I think just people are busy or on holidays...

15. 9 Sep 2010 07:03


OK well that is the reason I gave this one two weeks, so hopefully more people will enter over time. Otherwise results are going to be disappointing.

16. 9 Sep 2010 07:09


I need to mention that clorophilla has produced a brilliant caricature of a pig, the expression on the animal is superb, so the gauntlet has been laid down fellow TD'ers and hopefully the more competitive and imaginative people will try to produce a picture that will make this challenge all the more enjoyable, I look forward to your entries.

17. 10 Sep 2010 14:15


Steve, what I personally feel at this challenge is that I don't know the book and like to go along with the story and characters if I'd submit, but takes long time for me to read ENGLISH. The book looks so interesting but can't spend much time to educate myself for that. I'm so sorry that not too many people are participating here but think that's one of the reasons for many others. Also, TD itself seems so slow lately. I wonder where everybody has gone...

18. 10 Sep 2010 15:57


You need not stick to the book, a farmyard scene is acceptable.

19. 10 Sep 2010 16:22


I didn't read the book, but toke a glance to wikipedia ;-)

20. 10 Sep 2010 16:48


I know I know no need to be from the book but... okay... let me try something.