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Forums - Community - MUgdots Challenge LXVI - Back to School!

1. 20 Aug 2010 06:36


I just registered my daughter at college last week so thought this was a good topic. Open to anything related to school...buses, books, sports, tests, lockers, campus life. school buildings, playground, etc. Have fun. I will be traveling in about 4 days, so this challenge will close on September 1st when I'll be back in town. Have fun. Hopefully I will have time to submit a pic for fun.

2. 20 Aug 2010 06:50


Ok... it was a lot of time ago... but the idea is funny!

3. 20 Aug 2010 07:58


I'm reminiscing ... and hoping my internet connection improves.

4. 20 Aug 2010 11:37


This was my uniform when I was at school. I wore it from first to sixth grade of primary school(from 6 to 12 years old). It still is the compulsary uniform of hundreds of thousands or Uruguayan kids who go to public schools.It's a white smock, tunic or coat with a navy blue ribbon tied in a bow on the chest . You wear your own clothes under this coat. There is another model for boys, which is white with the same bow but buttoned like a doctor's coat.

5. 20 Aug 2010 12:11


When in high school we were lent one book per subject every year: one for Chemistry, one for Physics, one for History etc. At the beginning of the year we stayed in line (probably in alphabetical order) and they gave us our corresponding books which we gave back at the end of the year. Some books were brand new and some others were second-hand of course and well-kept but some others were a disaster: dog-eared, almost with a torn spine, sometimes underlined or doodled or stained. We were in line crossing our fingers to get the new books!!!! LOL How can I remember all this after so many years? Thanks mrozowski.

6. 20 Aug 2010 12:13


Login, are you sure you've paid your Internet bill? LOL LOL

7. 20 Aug 2010 16:18


(smile) Paid quarterly in advance, polenta.

8. 20 Aug 2010 17:11


I know, I'm obsessed By Harry Potter

9. 20 Aug 2010 17:59


Login, that's what happens when you pay in advance! LOL

10. 22 Aug 2010 01:29


I have a back to school pic that I created but, don't know how to go about submitting...any suggestions??

11. 22 Aug 2010 06:10


12. 22 Aug 2010 06:40


56Rosie submission:

13. 22 Aug 2010 12:05


Suzze, Thank you so much for submitting my image in Back to School challenge. I am relatively new to Think Draw. How did you do the submission? I love being a part of challenges and am sure that there will be some in the future that I may want to participate in.

14. 22 Aug 2010 14:11


You will need to go to your picture. Copy the address in the URL (for example Then go to the forum community and click Add Reply at the bottom of the forum page. In the Add Your Comment box, add any text you want, hit enter to add a space and then paste the URL of your picture.

15. 30 Aug 2010 09:18


I hope some of you will be able to add to this challenge before I return home. The challenge ends this week.

16. 30 Aug 2010 12:27


My favorite part of school was recess- at least when i was little.

17. 31 Aug 2010 20:05


in high school i loved going to the school dances

18. 3 Sep 2010 12:42


I'm back from vacation. These are some great pics. It was really a hard choice as to whom to pass the baton. The school bus Suzze drew really brought back memories, as did Polenta's textbooks. ARWs pics are wonderful, especially love the swing. However, the primary colors and clean lines of 56Rosie's pic really caught my attention. Sooo from one newbie Mugdots baton holder to the next: Congratulations 56Rosie!

19. 3 Sep 2010 12:43


Clorophilla, I was really captured by your spell scrollwork, as well. Trying to remember all the entries when they are not on your screen is difficult. So if I am missing anyone else, please forgive me.

20. 4 Sep 2010 04:35


well chosen, 56Rosie deserves it!

let's go on with the Mugdots Challenge LXVII!