Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - One picture to describe an era

1. 4 Aug 2010 10:36


Just a thought how about making a picture just one image to describe a decade, a period of time that you are fond of....or hated - in one picture! A challenge a one off to stretch your imaginations. Good luck Td'ers!

2. 4 Aug 2010 10:36


To set the ball rolling I made this wacky image to describe the seventies

3. 5 Aug 2010 06:17


Well don't all rush at once, thought it was a good idea. Glad this ain't a popularity contest!

4. 5 Aug 2010 07:17


I love the idea! I've got some idea's whirring around in my head! give me a day or 2 and i'll get something in here.

5. 5 Aug 2010 08:16


I'm not ignoring you. steve ... just up to my eyes in other stuff but I'll try to do a pic ... already have an idea.

6. 5 Aug 2010 11:19


I'm just so impatient sometimes, look forward to seeing your pictures...just for fun.

7. 5 Aug 2010 12:06


I love prehistory and wonder about these statuettes they've found all over. Was it beauty? Was it fertility? Was it the women's era?

8. 5 Aug 2010 23:16


interesting idea polenta

9. 6 Aug 2010 08:02


These little sculptures are believed to be fertility goddesses. I can remember pictures of them in a set of Children's Encyclopaedia Britannica (donkeys years ago ... probably printed before I was a twinkle in my Daddy's eye). I was so young at the time, I didn't even understand what 'fertility' meant ... but the memory of that weird little shape stayed with me.

10. 6 Aug 2010 08:05


Possibly a better link:

11. 6 Aug 2010 08:24


To anyone who may be offended by fertility images, please look no further.

12. 10 Aug 2010 01:54


Two words " Damp Squib "

13. 10 Aug 2010 06:55


Powder's dry enough, lad.... hold yer horses. ; >

14. 16 Aug 2010 14:12


I should do something for this, but I have few time... anyway, here it is:

it's a beautiful idea, hoping that this become a permanent "challenge"

15. 16 Aug 2010 14:21


This is a great idea, Steve! I have a lot of ideas on this one, but lately I feel like drawing a stick man would be too difficult for me. But if I recover enough to draw something half decent I'll try put a few in. Just remembered one already in my gallery that I could enter...

16. 16 Aug 2010 14:23


17. 16 Aug 2010 14:50


LOL Hazer - I can so well relate to finding a stick man a challenge to draw!! Sometimes it just doesn't work, does it? Give it time - I'm sure your inspiration will return!

To me, this picture I've drawn describes an era with which I have a love/hate relationship. Some aspects of this time hold a huge appeal - the elegance, the stately homes and gardens, THE HORSES (lol)... but I'm sure that for the vast majority of people who lived in those times life was very difficult, and even the rich were bound up in social conventions that we would find completely stifling.

18. 16 Aug 2010 15:40


Childhood days.

19. 16 Aug 2010 22:20


I'm not drawing right now because I keep losing my connection. Here's an old one ... the days before supermarkets:

20. 17 Aug 2010 00:40


These pictures are great and really capture the spirit of the era's they depict, thank you everyone for your input, keep em coming - cos the ideas and images they generate are interesting and need to have a home.