Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Where have all our beloved users gone?

1. 21 Jul 2010 21:37


I have been wondering where some of our users have gone, such as Robin, Likemee and Rachel.

2. 21 Jul 2010 21:40


Plz write more disappeared users, or tell where some are!

3. 22 Jul 2010 01:31


there was a similar topic few weeks ago, it's named "missing you" or so.

About people you said, I saw Likemee sometime, and rachel just in feedback forum, and never met RObin (I joined TD on November).

4. 22 Jul 2010 01:34


Anyway, althoug he was a recent acquisition, I wonder where is Marky gone: a great artist with a beautiful sense of fun, but - a meteor?

5. 22 Jul 2010 02:48


Yes, Marky....and so many others.
Why do they get bored?

6. 22 Jul 2010 03:28


Maybe it's not boredom ... could be too much work in the real world. Hopefully they'll be back. I'm sure Dragon is still around ... last time I saw her she was toasting marshmallows in community forum.

7. 22 Jul 2010 09:11


Definitly still around, it's been a little crazy in my life lately so I haven't been contributing as much as normal but I still check in pretty much every day.
I know robindcr8l was getting rather sick of the nastiness that was flying around in the ThinkWrite thread a month or 2 back and I think she may have left out of frustration at that but it's her birthday today so maybe she'll check in.

8. 6 Aug 2010 01:29


well, and what's about Artdillon? He deletes ALL his beautiful pictures and removes himself too, and whitout a word: WHY????????

9. 6 Aug 2010 01:33


oops - I would say: she!

10. 7 May 2011 03:17


There are many we miss here; but my thoughts go often toward Zum117... It's a very hard time in Egypt and I hope it's all OK for her. Do anyone knows some new about her?
Hoping she'll be able to be here soon, with her beautiful pics and her beautiful story of Unoland!

11. 7 May 2011 04:47


I think a few still pop in every now and again to see what is happening, but for whatever reasons can not contribute the way they used too. Some people may well have more pressing reasons as to why they are not here due to poor health or family issues. It is sad because although some of us are separated by thousands of miles it is a community of good people and some of you I consider as friends and genuinely miss their presence. I believe I am not alone in this and someday my name may well be added to the lost, one day someone will say where did stevedover1965 go too followed by all of the speculation. There are so many reasons for things to go wrong or circumstances to change...sadly! For now you are stuck with me at least until the next insurmountable issue occurs.

12. 8 May 2011 04:08


I've only been on Think Draw since last Oct but see how familiar many artists become to you, their own personal sense of style and personality. For a while you just expect to see their art on here, to admire and comment on it (and, if lucky enough, receive the odd comment back). When they are suddenly not making any pictures or adding the occasional comment you really miss it and hope so much they will be back. You hope either they are ok, perhaps just having a short break or maybe, for the moment just havn't the time... Just not seeing Artdillons work for the last 3 showcases or even Hjjr's in the last showcase has been noticeable to me. It is always nice to see people return, even just with a couple of pics or comments now and again. Like a familiar face letting us know they are still around and want to be involved. And Steve, we always miss you when you've not created something for a week or so!

13. 8 May 2011 13:37


hjjr is very much with us, having four pics in April Top5.

14. 8 May 2011 21:32


Thank you Login, and yes, you are right Hjjr had many entries in April, I guess I was just trying to say that even if some artists miss just one showcase it is still noticable. I am sure though, it is virtually impossible to enter every showcase and perhaps some showcases are more inspiring to some than others.