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1. 19 Jul 2010 06:21


Mugdots Challenge LXIII - Landmarks

2. 19 Jul 2010 06:44


Hi Hazer, may be it's my poor English, but do you mean to draw a geografic place? What is a landmark, it's a symbolic thing or you really are asking to draw a stone in the corner of our pic? (Here in Italy we have little stones with the landmarks of the road).

May a memory, a scene, a detail to be a landmark, or am I confused by the precedent challenge?

If you could put in some old pic for exemple, may be I understand better.

And please tell us when the challenge will end...

3. 19 Jul 2010 09:05


may be it was not my English, but the overwhelming heat and sultriness of these days here. I re-read your message and then mine, and I'm afraid I appeared quite ridiculous!
Now maybe I understood: We have to draw a place that is/was meaningful for us, isn't it?
and no stone landmark in our pics, LOL

4. 19 Jul 2010 09:18


Clorophilla, you can find a lot of examples in a previous showcase with the same theme:

5. 19 Jul 2010 11:17


Here's one you may have even seen Hazer

This pic is quite an old one of mine but I still like the way it turned out.

6. 19 Jul 2010 15:32


I'm sorry for the confusion. I was going to be late for work so didn't check to see if this had been done before, nor did I explain it properly.
Clorophilla, the kind of landmarks I had in mind would be something either large or unusual , natural or man made that stands out as a point of reference. In the showcase Shanley refers to there are many examples, and Dragon has done the Calgary Tower. What I'm asking for in this challenge is for you to draw a landmark that is or has been close to where you live. I'm not looking for street signs but rather an object you might use to direct someone to the general area where you live.
Have I explained it any better? I'll try to get some examples in.
I'll pass the baton on Sunday the 25th at midnight TD time.

7. 19 Jul 2010 15:49

These grain elevators used to dot the Canadian prairies. They were a landmark visible for miles, long before you could see the other buildings in that particular town or village. When I was young I used to accompany my father when he would take a truck load of grain in to our local elevator. Today it has been purchased by a local farmer and moved to his yard. It still carries the name of the village where it once stood. There were three of these elevators at our village. All have been torn down or moved.

8. 19 Jul 2010 15:56


This barn is another familiar landscape on the Canadian prairies. Where I grew up they were most often painted red. My husband and I lived on a small farm that had a huge white barn like this on it. When we gave someone directions to our place we would always say we were the place with the big white barn, which was the largest one for miles around.

9. 19 Jul 2010 17:14


I haven't been there since then. But it seems like the Red Square has been a big sight-seeing spot and very busy with tourists these days. Our lives are always effected by the governments and societies, and driven tremendously.

Red Square was dark in summer 1985

10. 19 Jul 2010 17:34


Thanks hanging...this would have been a good pic for the defining moments challenge as well.

I see I've been typing in Landscapes instead of Landmarks in some places. I mean to say Landmarks...please bear with me.

11. 20 Jul 2010 00:28


thank you Hazer, now I understood very well and I'm looking around for my landmarks

12. 20 Jul 2010 09:14


13. 20 Jul 2010 11:24


A great landmark, inked! Do you have a connection to it at all?

14. 20 Jul 2010 11:38


Just a slight connection. My family lived in Germany for a few years when I was young. During that time we visited a lot of the great landmarks--in Germany and throughout Europe. I just happened to be reminiscing with my parents about this the other day. And then I saw your Mugdots Challenge and decided to go with this since it's the one I remember most vividly.

15. 20 Jul 2010 11:43


Lol. I remember holding my parents' hands and walking up to this huge castle and just staring up at it with my mouth wide open...and wanting to meet the beautiful princess that must live there. Aaah memories.

16. 20 Jul 2010 16:32


Wonderful memories, inked!

17. 21 Jul 2010 05:26


This Landmark is, I guess, only mine. When I go to my favourite beach, Capocotta, an uncontaminated sandy land near Rome, I love immensely to swim off the coast for about 300-400 mts and then go in parallel for 1 hour or so. The only living beings I meet in these solitary sea wanderings are the seagulls. For keeping the orientation and evaluating my position regarding the coast, I use to fix my sight to a big dune shaped in a funny conic form: this is my swimming landmark!

for a different sight of Capocotta beach, look at this old pic of mine:

18. 21 Jul 2010 10:08


I love your beach pic clorophilla, I'm a great lover of beaches but I rarely get to visit any so it's such a treat to see these beauties!

19. 21 Jul 2010 10:08


That should say 'beach pics"

20. 21 Jul 2010 10:15


Perfect for the challenge, clorophilla! That's exactly the kind of thing I had in mind.