Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Mugdots Challenge LXI - Your World

1. 29 Jun 2010 14:01


I have been having such a good time these past few weeks observing all the talent on Think Draw and learning from everyone and a little about everyone. I really have become quite engrossed and have, as someone put it, TDitis. There were some beautiful and creative hat entries and that challenge really sparked a nerve as I have been making hats for years.
Anyway, I am fascinated and amazed by the fact that so many people from so many parts of the world use this sight, and I am really curious to learn more about you, so my challenge may be a little selfish because I want you to show me something from your “world” that is important to you. I know you probably first think of your family and the people in your life when you read this, but I mean your physical surroundings and your lifestyle. I haven’t been on this site for very long, and haven’t read back very far, and I know most of you have been doing this for some time, and I don’t want to repeat a challenge that may have been presented before, so I am going to give you some options from which to choose: (<run on sentence?)
1. The house (or building) in which you live, (embellished if you like) or,
2. Taking inspiration from Gair’s “Country Manor,” a place that you might dream of living in near where you live or,
3. A favorite place that you might visit near where you live (theater, museum, park, landmark, market, etc.) or,
4. A view from the place where you live.
I want to experience the local “flavor” where you are. I hope this isn’t redundant or boring to all of you interesting people. I think your fantastic imaginations will be able to satisfy my challenge and my curiosity quite nicely. Since I will be away for the weekend, I would like for the challenge to end at midnight on July 9th, and a winner will be announced on the 10th. Thanks again for the opportunity.

2. 29 Jun 2010 14:20


Oops, I just looked at all the Showcases for the first time and this is very similar to "My Hometown." I can try to think of something better, it might take me a bit of time to come up with something brand new.

3. 29 Jun 2010 14:25


ooh this ought to be fun! I hope you have a great time while you are away this weekend.-
I'm gonna sneak some older pictures in here:

I recently moved of campus-

the town hall from the town i grew up in, still drive past it at least once a week

I live about 40 minutes from here- I go blackberry picking here every summer- about 3 weeks and i'll be out there again!

4. 29 Jun 2010 14:37


awe shucks :|

5. 29 Jun 2010 15:01


I knew I would screw this up my first time! Arw65 liked the challenge, so it stands as it is, and if you don't like it, and want to do something else - I want to see birds. Omg the pressure is too much!!

6. 29 Jun 2010 17:00


lol.... this is a fine challenge ...nodnod, plenty of scope.
You'll be lucky if any of us include birds!

7. 29 Jun 2010 17:17


:) i liked it the first time i read it. points 2 and 3 extend Heidi's challenge very much and besides...not to worry, some of us are famous for sneaking things that kinda', sorta', totally turn the theme around. You'll see what i mean . Here's my bucket of oldies
1. Bucharest, way more close to me than i wished!
2. A small village where I used to spend my holidays:
A small town about 300km from here (it's not that far. is it?)
4. Fantasy home
5. Sad reality:
6. One famous place:
And since you mentioned birds:
Well, enough pushing my luck so to say. Hope to have some 'newies' for this challenge soon.

8. 29 Jun 2010 17:33


What a great idea for this challenge!! We'll definitely learn more about each other and the world we inhabit together... There are already some beautiful places in here!

Here are some 'oldies' of mine... will come up with something new for this as well!

The view from our kitchen (somewhat cropped, to fit it into this square!)

You wanted some birds!! Frequent visitors to our garden (well, the few plants which survive the drought and frost!)

A place we went holidaying in April and will go to again!

A bird which was at this place and constantly on the look-out for food!

9. 29 Jun 2010 18:15


nodnod…. taking my cue from Shanley and mum23… here’s a taste of my world—

I grew up in Hollywood but that’s so much more than city lights… the surrounding hillsides are lush with spicy scented chaparral , you can ride horses for hours up there and, if you know where to look, there are even waterfalls tucked back in hidden canyons . Just one to a handful of hours drive away there are magnificent natural areas… the Pacific Ocean to the west, Anzo Borrego to the south, Death Valley to the east, and to the north, Sequoia, Yosemite, Lassen… … hard to say which fill my heart more… the light filtering thru redwoods or through oak groves.

And within my home itself are an odd mixture of treasures… vintage toys , , magical porcelain , unusual and fun foods , , silly critters , and always always always stories to fire the imagination……… , ,

10. 29 Jun 2010 18:33


Q is clever. She made up a story with pics.....

This pic should have been titled after the late Mario Benedetti's creation"EL SUR TAMBIÉN EXISTE" (The south also exists).
I'm taking advantage of this thread to bring it back. This atlas has been widely seen around here. Of course done in a much better manner.-

11. 29 Jun 2010 18:33


12. 29 Jun 2010 18:48


Oh thanks so much for your patience with me. I shouldn't be allowed in public when tired.

A very impressive collection of pictures and as I have said before I am so entertained by everyone. I am not going to want to leave my computer. Can someone tell me how to post the little smiley icons please? I am going to need them.

13. 29 Jun 2010 18:49


Oh, I guess I did it.

14. 29 Jun 2010 19:04


That's cute... it took me by surprise the first time my 'typed in' smiley was automatically converted, too!

Brilliant challenge... I hope we see lots more oldies and new pics from everybody!

... yes, leaving the computer is definitely a challenge.... just have to be happy with peeking in every little while!

15. 29 Jun 2010 22:30


I like your challenge, although there is a showcase about it, there are yet so many things to pics... I think it could be extended to the objects we use dayly, details of our environment, etc?

16. 30 Jun 2010 04:15



17. 30 Jun 2010 04:38

mdawrcn A quick Crepe Myrtle from my yard.

18. 30 Jun 2010 17:30


And this started out to be the sky tonight while I was taking my walk, but turned into something entirely different. Not sure what.

19. 1 Jul 2010 06:40


As I find building and furnitures the most difficult thing to draw, I drawed my very world, that I feel to belong to.

So, here I am: flat on my back in my favourite pine forest, 10' from home, lost in my world, gazing to my beloved trees...

20. 1 Jul 2010 06:56


Oh wow Clorophilla. You have sent cold chills up and down my spine. Very nice. I am a tree lover also and am surrounded by them. I think I absorb positive energy from them. It makes me very nervous to see them harmed. And I love your nickname!!