Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - A Good Series

1. 22 Jun 2010 16:52


I need some ideas. I want to do a series like I have seen other artist do. Just post your ideas for a series here, I will pick one, the winner gets to share the credit with me on the series. As i work on the series, I will post the pictures here, the stories will be copied here, and posted under the picture on comments. So come on, any idea is an idea!

2. 22 Jun 2010 20:51


AHA! I got it, I'm going to do the life of a catapillar XD Haha, I'll do a few tonight, make sure to check back here to see the series!

3. 22 Jun 2010 21:05


Ignore this column, I'm going to make a new one on the other forum page.