Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Challenge XXXVIII: Neverland!

1. 10 May 2010 06:42


I was wandering between two or three ideas for this challenge, and searching something funny and enjoying. The last few challenges was really great and enriching, and enjoying too, but also hard to do, and i was looking for something more frivolous
My daughter gave me a suggestion and I like it, so the topic of this challenge is "Peter Pan" with all the connections you can find to him: characters, the movies, the book of Barrie, the life of Barrie, the isle, pyrates, mermaids, indians, and also... the idea underlying the mith: the Puer Aeternus - the eternal boy, and so on. You have a wide range of choices, so draw... and have fun!

the challenge will expire on Monday 17 may at 24.00 (TD time).

2. 11 May 2010 13:00


C'mon, is anyone just a bit attracted by this challenge??

3. 11 May 2010 14:54


...extremely!! Give me a day or so, don't worry... ;>

4. 11 May 2010 15:37


i like the challenge, just having the eternal time issues...can't promise anything, but i hope to put something in here by the end of the week

5. 12 May 2010 10:06


Ooo, I have an idea in mind. Now it's just a matter of making it a reality before the challenge is done!

6. 12 May 2010 14:15


Tinkerbell, sort of

7. 12 May 2010 14:41


Apologies clorophilla that I haven't time for your challenge, as I'm off on holiday at the weekend, but it is a very good challenge and I hope it triggers some more thinkdrawers interest.

8. 12 May 2010 23:17


No matter Puzzler, and if will be here too few pics on Sunday, I should prolonge the challenge for a couple of day or so.

Now I'm leaving for a congress and will be back only on Sunday, so I'll check when I'll back.
Keep drawing!!

9. 13 May 2010 21:17


You'll have another challenge to start managing on Sunday, however...

10. 13 May 2010 22:09


I will most definitely try and make it into the challenge.... as soon as i can find more than 20 seconds to check comments and head out the door again!- hopefully this weekend. recently read the "peter and the star-catchers' trilogy-.. sort of a prequel to Barrie's peter pan.

11. 16 May 2010 12:32


I hope so... I love your pics! I'm just back and see that this challenge deserve a more full participation, so I'll keep it open another week, hoping to se more and more pics!

12. 16 May 2010 13:42


pleeease keep it open.. lol.. I have a pencil sketch on a post-it...

13. 17 May 2010 03:42


14. 17 May 2010 22:08


"Second star to the right... straight on until morning!"

15. 18 May 2010 14:12


just to keep hight the attention...!

16. 20 May 2010 05:53


Thanks, Clorophilla; I will happily add this girl to your challenge. What's a magic lagoon without a mermaid?

17. 20 May 2010 09:08


Dreamy, there is a bug in TD, because the pic don't appear here or going to the url; but you can see it in the (at present) 3° page of the showcase. May be you have to notice this to rachel...

18. 20 May 2010 09:21


Dreamy's "Mermaid"

19. 20 May 2010 09:35


The address needs to include the "www" to make the icon size pic show up here in the forum, AND to make the full size Flash ones show.

This IS a bug of sorts... because, though the link without the www goes to the main pic, it CONTINUES the status as being without the www. When the main address in the URL line shows no www and you then click on other pix by that member, their addresses now also lack the www (and thus won't load the Flash --and also get copy/pasted that way into the forum).

The pix show fine in small size and as full size when Print is clicked, with or without the www.

20. 20 May 2010 11:07


Thanks, Qsilv! I haven't been able to access mine or anyone else's full sized drawings and just figured it was a board-wide problem.