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1. 29 Apr 2010 02:20


OK. We really need your support to overcome the wicked wizard. So fire up those brains and do your best. I have a list of opposites but it's variable. I like having word count between 250 and 350. The list is:

EXPANSIVE (or expand e.g.)

2. 29 Apr 2010 02:37


BTW, let's win this battle by Friday, May 7. Don't forget Mothers' Day on the 9th.

3. 29 Apr 2010 05:47


Insect could be insert. Dinasaur could be Dinah Shore. Just have fun.

4. 29 Apr 2010 07:30


Congratulations Giraffe! Very nice list, I love the opposites!

5. 29 Apr 2010 07:31


Oops! I was still logged in on Mom/sister's user! That last one was me.

6. 29 Apr 2010 08:15


giraffe: Congrats! Yes indeed, quite a wicked word list. I half expected your "blow up doll" to make an appearance. teehee. I'll get "write" on this list asap...

7. 29 Apr 2010 08:36


Back so soon you say? Ah ha....I take on the challenge of the "wicked wizard" and I am going to give him a little taste of his own medicine (not Mantex). With a little wizardly power of my own and your fascination with opposites try this one on for size.... word count 053 with title and 052 without. I do believe this meets your criteria....with all the words of course. tee-hee!


Create a marginally expansive structure with high grade steel and wooden windows.
Sure he’s a nut, but lovely and gross all the same. Spigots with hot and cold will due, just no gross bidet’s in the bathrooms. I don’t want to sound restrictive, but our benevolent dinosaur of a benefactor is picky.

8. 29 Apr 2010 09:30


Thanks for playing, Doug. No flies or other insects on that. We'll get this wizard. You're obviously saving your big guns for the battle. LOL

9. 29 Apr 2010 09:52


and thanks for correcting my spelling of dinosaur.

10. 29 Apr 2010 10:25


I think I like this list...

Benevolence need not apply

Get ready troops we are setting out on a mission so grossly dangerous it would strike fear into Martha Stewart’s lazy daisy doily heart. It will not be the wizardly magic of potions and witches’ brew that you are accustomed to but I downright dirty hand to hand combat befitting our expansive waistlines and mentality.

Everyone please check that you have the following standard equipment items ready:
-One can of whoop ass.
-Two large stakes with an iron mallet
-three gallons of battery acid
-Four bag lunches (this will be a long day)

Ok, everyone ready?


Now follow me troops we are heading over to the marginally attractive Erie Zoo. No there are no dinosaurs there Henry!

This will be a hot mission so be ready. These sneaky insects will turn you into a web of ice so cold you’ll think you’re in Antarctica frozen into the tundra. We’ve entered the main gate. We’re looking for the tallest building as that is where the administrator told me we’d find the beasts!

There it is beyond that lovely fern garden. Walk single file behind me as we don’t want to seem like an army of marauders. This is a restricted area and is quite expansive by the look of it.

We made it.

“Why is the front door so tall?” Henry said.

Quiet Henry, I’m sure you can see for yourself that this is the giraffe house. We are to rid it of the deadly African mercenary spiders that were delivered in a crate of carrots.


11. 29 Apr 2010 10:56


Great start, Doug. It reminds me of a novel I read YEARS ago about people on a mission and they don't know what it is. Good luck using large stakes and a mallet on a spider. Maybe the wizard is hiding in the giraffe house. Very surreal.

12. 29 Apr 2010 14:23




I took Lauren to the movies. I had a marginal chance of impressing her so I picked out something she might like. I had the hots for her and this was my last chance to not turn her cold. Her folks were so restrictive, they did anything they could to discourage our friendship.

The movie was called Fear. That should win her over. It's about a giant insect fighting with a dinosaur. It starred Barbara Streisand, Warren Beatty and Meryl Streep. I loved it. Every time the insect turned around, Streisand would fart and the whole audience was in stitches.

Then Meryl would jump up on the dinosaur and fall down. That cracked us up even more. Warren kept slipping on banana peels and the insect came closer. This is a great movie.

Lauren didn't like it. She thought those actors are better than to do movies like this.

"It's not funny to just be gross." she said as we left the theater. "It was really stupid."

That's when I knew she wasn't my gal. As lovely as she was, she had bad taste.

I'm pretty benevolent when it comes to movies, but when some chick says she thinks it's stupid, she's history. She just don't have that expansive mind to get good humor. When Robert DeNiro came out and gave everybody raspberries, I thought this was a masterpiece. Lauren even thought that was dumb.

I have my boundaries and if someone doesn't have my taste, I just blow them off. How dare her parents for doing that to me.

13. 30 Apr 2010 04:11


Well, my goodness ... we've gone from pixies to the giraffe house at the zoo! LOL Doug! Enjoyed that!

giraffe, am curious about Lauren's date. What is his name? I ask because I swear I had a date with him, just the one time. And, gotta say, it's a joy when 'the wrong man' realizes he isn't interested in you. LOL!!!!!

14. 30 Apr 2010 05:16


His name is Percy. Short for Percival. Glad you enjoyed it.

15. 30 Apr 2010 05:26


Percy? Well, then guess I didn't date him. Must have been his brother! lol

16. 30 Apr 2010 05:29


431 words (Restrictive use of the word list made me leave out the word gross, oh ... and the word restrictive.)

This is a mostly true re-counting of a kayaking adventure with my sister. We are generally out in the kayaks a good four hours. Didn't work out that way yesterday. : )


We went kayaking yesterday. The weather was benevolent, lovely blue skies and sunshine. When we arrived we got out our gear and my sister slathered on sun block while I tested the water. It was cold but lake kayaking doesn’t get you wet so I wasn’t concerned.

The plan was to head south, into the winds to the big coves. Since the winds were strong, I didn’t bother to wait for my sister because THESE whitecaps were going to require some major paddling. I wasn’t worried. We’ve done this before, the hard twenty-minute paddle till you reach the coves, the place where insects drift, turtles lounge and all is right with the world.

The waves were spilling over the bow of my kayak and amazingly, some were spilling into the cockpit. It was exciting and I was getting very wet. My muscles were going to get a hot-burn of a workout and that pleased me, but around the time I had that thought I realized my water-shoes were soaked.

Somewhere after the realization that there was water sloshing over my feet, I discovered there was more going on than big whitecaps and wind. I looked over the expanse of the lake and then to the shorelines! I looked for my sister. Heavens! The winds and current had pushed her twenty yards NORTH and she’s the one in shape!

By the time we headed for shore, we were forty yards in the wrong direction. If we’d not pulled out when we did, we would have had to walk our kayaks through the water and back to the beach. Would that have been possible? I don’t know.

As it was, we beached at a little gully and this meant huffing and puffing to shove the kayaks over a five foot bank and then carry them through the vegetation back to the truck.

We were both laughing. My sister said, “You old dinosaur. Why didn’t you check the WIND forecast!” I told her, “I’ve just remembered why I didn’t like you when we were kids!”

About that time two guys drove up pulling a John boat. They looked at us strangely and one guy said, “How’s the kayaking today?” My sister said, “Like the fishing ... marginal.”

When we got home my sister said she’d leave the kayaks here. She’s left them so much I I’ve begun to think they’re mine. She said that’s okay with her, she isn’t sure she wants to go kayaking with me again!

That’s the other reason I didn’t hang out with her when we were kids. Such drama!

17. 30 Apr 2010 11:04


Marius gets a silver star for going beyond regular duty to find the wizard in obscure coves. Question though: If Sis doesn't want to kayak with you, does that mean she never wants to kayak ever again - even with someone else?

18. 30 Apr 2010 11:35


Sis was kidding! Wanted to get that across in the story but alas, was already WAY over the word limit. (tee hee) Sis was actually pretty happy yesterday, she usually is. She insisted on buying lunch and we joked about the days when I called her, "mean Janine." We're gonna kayak in a few weeks but this time we'll BOTH check the wind forecast! : )

19. 30 Apr 2010 12:33


Glad to hear that. Keep your eye out for the evil wizard. Today's my daughter's birthday so I'm gonna go make sure he's not over there.

20. 30 Apr 2010 17:29


Are you sure the wizard is Evil? Maybe she/he is merely quixmickled, or worse, pixilated! Am working on something but busy next few days. Hope the wizard was NOT at your daughter's Bday party. ; )