Think Draw Forums
Forums - General Discussion - Mr. Picassohead drawing website

1. 27 Apr 2010 14:56


I hope you all don't pelt me with rotten eggs for my disloyalty, but I've just found this site... as a result of doing some research for the "exploring art" challenge. You can do line drawings in it and it looks like it has real potential.... change colours, rotate, resize.

There is no community though, so there is no danger that TD will be abandoned! Check it out if you are interested....

Unfortunately, it doesn't come with extra hours to fit more drawing into your day!! TD is already eating into my nights, but I just can't stop!!!!

2. 7 May 2010 13:50


speaking of interesting sites:
i just discovered it and the impressionism+abstract sections got me fascinated!

3. 7 May 2010 16:15


I tried the Mr. Picassohead site. I like it, I just wish you could comment on the pics! I made a sail boat!

4. 8 May 2010 06:59


I tried it out and it seems to me that it shouldn't be mentioned in the breath with ThinkDraw. Everything is prefabricated, no flexibility; everything comes out looking rather stylish but each one is about the same as all the others. But, whatever turns you on...

5. 8 May 2010 07:01


in the same breath I meant to say.

6. 8 May 2010 07:41


Thanks for the address.... it's a nice game.... but yes, NO COMPARISON with Think Draw, our adored Think Draw.

7. 8 May 2010 09:48


hm... works sort of like TD's gothic. Flat.

Tho you CAN do some pretty interesting patterns with that if you don't think of the parts as what they were meant for.

I wound up with a kind of Rorshach blob of amoebish-spermish critters square-dancing, I think...

And if there's a way to see a whole page of past drawings at a go, I couldn't find it. It just showed one pic at a time, like a peephole, on a linear < ___ > track. Annoying.


8. 8 May 2010 09:52


Shanley's site's interesting, on the other hand.

So's our own Luna's --

9. 10 May 2010 23:55


Thinkdraw is hands down the most wacky, creative website I have ever had the good fortune to come across, and the community is the best!