Think Draw Forums

1. 19 Apr 2010 13:34


I just screwed up all your lives.
I made you waste your time caring about me when it was none of your business and i should of just left you alone. I have been causing you sadness and that's all. Bye.

2. 19 Apr 2010 14:20


heavens, didn't we go through this not long ago?

3. 19 Apr 2010 14:52

Qsilv cause sadness you have to be able to cause people to care

potatoes, you're welcome back here --always

4. 19 Apr 2010 17:31


Tater, I've never found it a waste of time to care about others. Not ever.

And, you have not caused me any sadness at all! When I think about you, yeah, I see the hard times but I also see the fun, witty Tater who has much to give and share. Agreement with Qsilv, just cause you go away for a while doesn't mean people will stop caring. : )

5. 19 Apr 2010 19:44


I don't know how you screwed up their lives if all they've done was offer a helping hand. You just slapped it away, you didn't pull them into a deathtrap and left them there. and I don't think you've wasted anyone's time; this site is a place for leisure, and leisure means free time, and free time is pretty much a waste of time, but we're having fun while wasting that time of ours, so you may Think you're wasting our time, but really, you're not.

Also, I don't know how you caused these people sadness... if they have nothing to do with your personal life; yeah, you may have brought the subject matter up and blurted out your problems to us, but that just makes us feel bad for you, not sad. And a thing about your personal problems... You do realize, there are billions of people in world who go through much worse things than you do and they're still living like everything is okay. Okay that might not be true cause I don't know these people, or you for a matter, but I like to think of it that way :], but yeah, you have problems in life too, everyone does; for some, it might not be so bad, and for others, it just makes them want to go downhill, but why let those things get in the way of enjoying life? I like to call these problems.. obstacles; everyone has obstacles in life like graduating, getting a job, figuring out what you did to make your girlfriend mad at you, figuring out why your boyfriend hasn't figured out why you're mad at him, learning to stand up for yourself, switching from being dependent to independent, lost of a loved one, fears, learning how to mature, etc. Where was I getting at... Oh yeah, obstacles. See, you just have to learn to get passed those obstacles in life. Yeah, it may be hard, but think of how relieved and satisfied you'll be after you overcome it; it's like... getting an A in that very hard exam you studied like crazy for, or getting that toy you've always wanted, or finding 10 dollars on the ground, or giving that 10 dollars to the homeless lady you see everyday standing by Safeway. Basically, you think the problems you have are so overwhelming and constant that you believe you were born an unlucky child, but no, that's not the case, in reality at least. You just think that because we people like to believe in superstitions. "ohh noo, because this happened, it's because of me, blah blah blah". Those are just coincidences, they don't mean anything. You just have to accept that they happened and move on. Sure, Cherish the past, but don't cherish it too much. What in the past will benefit you in the future? Almost nothing. That's why you should focus on the present and look forward to the future, not dwell on the past. The past is meant to look back on as memories, they're not supposed to follow you and haunt you for the rest of your life. If that's the case then all you'll see when you go out side is a bunch of frowning people looking down on themselves. To sum it all up, just be optimistic, or try to be, what's so fun about being pessimistic. Who likes thinking about all the negativity in life when there's so much fun and enjoyable things to do out in the world?? Don't think it's the end of the world when you have 50+ years ahead of you. That's 50+ more years to get your head straight and realize all those little great things in life that make people continue to live on. and I know you can get past these little obstacles of yours because anyone that comes up with such a name as potatoesoftheworld is awesome, and awesome people always get through in life.

and Plus, this is like the third time you've said "bye", and yet you still return. So it's more like "I'm taking a break, see you in a few weeks!", and also, I don't see why you even bother deleting your stuff and saying good bye anyways, it only makes your leaving seem more dramatic, and Also, you just spent like an hour deleting precious artwork that you will never see again, unless you printed it out, then that's cool, but you will never see them again. Seeing artwork get destroyed just saddens me. So much time and effort put into creating something unique, just to be erased for nobody to see ever again. Okay, not really sadden, saying that totally objects to the point I made above, more like... I don't know the word... but it makes me say "bummer..".

6. 20 Apr 2010 02:13


Potatoes---CUT THE CRAP-------We like you, listen to Chinky and Qsilv and Marius, we answer and write here because we like to, and we like you. You remind us, of us at that age, We've ALL been thru the wringer at one time or other. As for deleting pictures and erasing all trace of your self, I'll have you know I Smashed a Guitar before, and now and then could kick myself for having done so. So before you press the delete key think about it. Another thing is I enjoy reading everyones advice to you, there are some wise people on this web site.

7. 20 Apr 2010 05:36


Couldn't agree more with Coho! About leaving and reading the forums. Once in a while we all trip on something and it does help to see other points of view even if we have already overcome the discussed obstacle. So quit quitting and taking things so seriously. One day you'll miss having this age when mistakes and moody days are allowed. Cheer up!

8. 20 Apr 2010 18:14


I'm thinking potatoesoftheworld is not reading any of this.

9. 10 May 2010 19:11


I'm thinking Baldur is right, based on my previous effort to get involved in this not-exactly-unfolding (because unchanging) drama (not really drama which requires plot and character development).