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Forums - Community - New Mugdots. LII

1. 29 Mar 2010 18:11


Any ideas? I'm tempted to make the challenge a two or more picture story or cartoon , like the pigalope's i did last night. That might be too complicated, so any other suggestions are welcome, my other idea is combination animals like giraffealion, or elefoxes, duck billed horses etc. I'll check back in a while to see the feed back and will decide sometime tonite!

2. 29 Mar 2010 18:29


Another idea is Mandalas

3. 29 Mar 2010 20:02


I like the combo animal idea. Someone did mandalas in an earlier challenge, I think, although it was a while ago.

4. 29 Mar 2010 20:18


EXTREMELY RARE AND UNUSUAL ANIMAL BREED COMBINATIONS ......... extra credit given for really creative unusual mixed breeding such as Panda Toads, and Iguana Squirrells. Manta Mice, Swallow Tailed Mountain Goats, etc. The animal theme is ok but no kittens with pig legs and basset hound ears etc . A brief Audebon type field guide description should be included. Size, range, habitat, etc. unusual charcteristics and habits.

5. 29 Mar 2010 21:59


Coho, I think that impossible hybrids idea is a hoot.

And if a few banal ones show up, no harm. We'll still take tons of joy from the really creative works, right??


6. 30 Mar 2010 12:40


Here's mine

an extremely rare kind of chimera, instead of a lion head it has a canine body, wide wings and the usual snaky tail.

It should be very dangerous (the byte of the tail is poisonous) but its bashful nature leads it to fly away at the slightest sign of human presence...

7. 30 Mar 2010 13:02



Unwilling to be dinner. Very large, top heavy, slow moving, can't fly. Gobbles and gurgles.

8. 30 Mar 2010 14:24



Its the size of a Blue-J only its part rattle snake it likes to eat bugs and mice,and there feet are hidden until they atack there pray and the claws on them are poisonous. Hope yall like it!

9. 30 Mar 2010 14:49


This is actually Belladonnis, Ash and I are playing on TD and I stayed under her log in! oops!lol


A Goobil is a cross between a Goose and a Gerbil ( which we have two of-Cookie and Cuddles).

Goobils are about the size of a Wood Duck. They love to eat seeds,nuts carrots, and lettuce. They bury their food in straw or burrows made of grass. They also sleep in burrows near their food.
Goobils love to run on wheels and chew papertowel rolls.

10. 30 Mar 2010 19:37



The Drafox relaxes after an English meal.

A cross between the mythical dragon and a red fox without any natural predators, this trickster flies around on the English country side looking for hounds and packs of English gentlemen on horseback. The chase was on, the hounds were lost. A startled Englishman fell off his horse, and the Drafox scooped him up.

11. 30 Mar 2010 19:38



12. 30 Mar 2010 22:37

Greater American Crocapoo, length up to 14" weight 200lbs
Found only in Florida, mostly near retirement communities in and around the Florida Everglades. Can often be seen basking in backyard swimming pools and drainage ditches. Feeds on small mammals and fish, including dogs. Cousin to the lesser and minature Crocapoo, (length up to 2') not to be confused with the American Poodigator which has a shorter snout.

13. 31 Mar 2010 09:54


Oh this was an inspired choice for a Mugdots challenge! LMAO at the Crocapoo!

14. 31 Mar 2010 13:58


Liogopard, a cross between a lion, a goat and a leopard. Hangs out in trees. Kicks up a fuss. And sleeps a lot. Sure that it has royal blood but can't get those mangy lions to agree.

15. 31 Mar 2010 18:39


The Horned Lizken

The Horned Lizken is native to Austrailia. They are thought to be a cross between a lizard and a chicken. The upper body of the Lizken is covered in feathers and does have small wing like appendages on both sides of its body. Unfortunally they cant fly. The rest of their body is covered in a tough scaly skin that features bony horns that protrude from the back bone of the animal.
The front of their faces is formed by a bony beak like structure. They eat bugs, small mice and certain grains. They forage for food in the day and sleep in deep nests made of native grasses at night.

16. 31 Mar 2010 19:49


The Girafopus

The Girafopus is a Cross between a Giraffe and an Octopus. They live on the coast of Africa and can be found in the ocean and on land. They eat ocean plants and plants found on land. The creature is quite facinating because it can live on land or in the ocean.

17. 31 Mar 2010 20:04

Bastrichaboon on the endangered species list. Only six remain in the wild . They live in the southwestern Bologo desert region of Africa. Can un up to speeds of 80 miles per hour. The females are larger than the males. One female specimen was measured at 9'7" tall. They lay eggs and sometimes bear live young.

18. 31 Mar 2010 20:09

Bastrichaboon- on the endangered species list. Only six remain in the wild . They live in the southwestern Bologo desert region of Africa. Can un up to speeds of 80 miles per hour. The females are larger than the males. One female specimen was measured at 9'7" tall. They lay eggs and sometimes bear live young.

19. 31 Mar 2010 20:12


accidently posted the crocapoo again, is there anyway to delete posting mistakes?

20. 31 Mar 2010 21:11


Only by asking Rachel to fix it... which is usually not worth her trouble. We all understand... so just go ahead and add another post with whatever you DO want to include, and don't give it another thought.
