Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Challenge XXXIII design some funriture

1. 16 Mar 2010 07:27


So, having been honored with choosing the next subject for Challenge XXXIII (33's my favorite number) I think it might be fun to design or depict a furnished wall or corner of a room in a house. This can be fantasy or actual, historic or futuristic and from any country or even outer space.
I hope this appeals to someone besides myself.
Off to think and draw a wall....

2. 17 Mar 2010 01:03


yessss! lol... when you mentioned this possibility earlier I found myself hoping this was the one you'd settle on --of course now I'm just hoping for enough time to play well with it!

3. 17 Mar 2010 10:22


Good choice ... i already have something in mind. The redecorating of bedrooms may have to be put on hold at the weekend.

4. 17 Mar 2010 10:24


Well, turns out to be a little trickier than suspected, but I've cranked out the first, a corner of a room decorated in the Safari motif.

5. 20 Mar 2010 08:38


do lamps count?

6. 21 Mar 2010 03:26


7. 21 Mar 2010 06:00


8. 21 Mar 2010 07:45


Done by Pinkie on 12th March hope thought good one to post here - hope she doesn't mind!

9. 21 Mar 2010 07:46


Sorry try again

10. 26 Mar 2010 14:28


isn't this challenge supposed to be over? ...

11. 26 Mar 2010 15:22


oh I hope not!

12. 26 Mar 2010 15:34


well then...what is the deadline? hope I have at least brought the challenge to TD-ers attention. So, who feels like showing off with their bed? I'd give it a go, but I dont really like mine and I'm not good at designing things.

13. 27 Mar 2010 08:45


I have two designs lined up... just no @#$%time yet... ;>

14. 30 Mar 2010 07:33


...Dreamy? what about this challenge? are we in time or is it over?

15. 30 Mar 2010 11:12


I'm sorry guys, between not knowing exactly how to proceed here and losing my computer and having to do a total wipe last week, I've kind of dropped the ball. I really like the pictures coming in, but let's say this challenge will be over at midnight, tonight, March 30, 2010. The winnah will be announced tomorrow.

16. 31 Mar 2010 07:30


Okay, here it is the next morning and a winner has been chosen. This did turn out to be a little more difficult than I had expected and that's probably why there weren't a lot of entries, but I certainly have enjoyed the ones that have been presented. Five, you are the queen of lights. Spam, you've got the textures down pat, I like your berber rug and mirror, too. Pinkie, your drawing is charming with that green wrought iron furniture I love. I'm going to call Heidi2323 the winner this time, The composition and colors really appeal to me. Well done, all!

17. 31 Mar 2010 08:56


Good choice Dreamy and congratulations to Heidi

18. 31 Mar 2010 13:16


Thanks. I will propose a new challenge tonight. Need some time to think. Hope all is well with your computer Dreamy.