Think Draw Forums
Forums - Think Draw Feedback - New Theme

1. 4 Mar 2010 03:16


It should never have taken this long, but it is finally done!


We would love your input, especially on backgrounds so that we can add at least one more.

2. 4 Mar 2010 03:24


My emotion is SUCH that as soon as I saw there was a new theme, even without taking some seconds to look at it.... I came here.
MILLIONS OF THANKS....this is a new world for me, a new land to discover... I'm thrilled!!!!!!!!!!1

3. 4 Mar 2010 03:34


Wow a right veritable Pandora's Box - just love Pandora charms think we will have some fun with these - thank you so much - can't wait to see what the super talented TD's will come up with!

4. 4 Mar 2010 03:47


This is fantastic, I like it a gazillion times more than the 'Avatars' theme.
There is so much you can do with these colors.
Especially wonderful is the great array of shades within each color family.

I checked out the backgrounds and the solid dark green surprised me, never would have thought of that myself. It is quite nice.
What we haven't seen yet here as a background is a textured one, you might want to consider that.
Examples being closeups of:
A solid colored woven fabric (burlap?)
a panel of coarse sand, coarse salt, gravel, even sandpaper
tree bark
wire mesh
hammered metal (copper,.. brass)

Thank you so much for the new theme

5. 4 Mar 2010 04:58


This website is such a gift to begin with and it just keeps getting better! Thank you so much=)

6. 4 Mar 2010 05:21


Thank-you, Thank-you for the new theme!!
AND I'm in total agreement with Pollyesther, couldn't
have said it better!

7. 4 Mar 2010 06:04


A whole new world of possibilites. It seems to offer us the most expansive pallet so far. Thank you!!!

8. 4 Mar 2010 06:35


thanks a million for this exciting new world of possibilities... you are spoiling us!!
This will make me even more TD addicted!

9. 4 Mar 2010 06:47


This is exciting. So many of the pieces are translucent ... one of the greatest gifts to date. Thanks you TD.

10. 4 Mar 2010 06:47



11. 4 Mar 2010 06:55


oh wow, I asked for a beads theme months ago, then I thought prolly no one else would like it....I'm just so happy. Thank you again Think Draw.

12. 4 Mar 2010 06:56


this is a fantastic new theme, thanks, is fabulous, for another back ground, baldur gave could also be a pure shining gold background?? thanks again...

13. 4 Mar 2010 07:24


.................................wwwwwWOW !

What a wonder to wake up to.... you ROCK. TD, you are amazing, generous, patient... and kindness itself.

ok ok, the pieces... I've just flipped quickly through 'em and their backgrounds so far, and glanced at what others are already creating. I need to catalog them in my mind... oh lord, my schedule is in deep trouble now... lol

but what I immediately notice is that there ARE some pointy bits... MUCH appreciated...

gorgeous colors!!! transparency!!!!!

and yes, I have to agree, I'd like to see a warm toned background, and metal is a terrific idea....

to make a "shining gold" requires the trick of dark and light, so my request would be a background that has a gradient.... I'd choose either a diagonal (lower left to upper right lines causing a bright upper left area and a dark lower right area), or concentric circles (light in the center blending imperceptibly --or with one of Baldur's textural surfaces-- toward a dark outer) ....or both! LOL TD...? Thank you! ;>

14. 4 Mar 2010 07:32


this new theme is so colourful,it looks so vibrant and very nice theme among all the other themes

15. 4 Mar 2010 07:49


Love it love it love it!!! Thank you TD for such a colourful and diverse theme. I can't wait to start dabbling in it!

16. 4 Mar 2010 08:25


Awesome new theme!!! Might suggest a plain black background, but what's there already is great.

17. 4 Mar 2010 08:32


I'd like to second the request for a plain black background.

18. 4 Mar 2010 09:45


Transparent pieces mean we can play with light like never before, wonderful TD thank you, we will be playing with this for ages and hopefully produce some inspired art.

19. 4 Mar 2010 10:05


Thank you. I think it is already producing some excellent works and generating creativity.

(And I agree on the Avatars, with the person who mentioned that - it doesn't produce the same quality of works as the others. I don' t mean high/low quality, but the characteristics of the Avatars theme are different than all the others - more flat and simple works.)

20. 4 Mar 2010 10:35


Was so surprised to peek in at lunch today and see the new theme. Just quickly glanced at the pieces. Love the colors! As for a background, all the prior suggestions are great. Perhaps a background color that isn't found in the palette itself? It provides one more color to play with.