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Forums - Think Draw Feedback - Favorites?

1. 2 Mar 2010 11:35


Perhaps this is way too much to ask and too much work to set up ... tossing an idea out there, though:

Limiting the number of Favorites is important to the Top 5 process. But I've noticed I often seem to be out of Favorites before the last week of the month, and I don't like to delete anyone from favorites once I selected their work as a favorite, which usually leaves me unable to add deserving pictures. If I had a good enough memory, I could hold off favoriting any pictures until the end of the month. But I don't.

So... is there any way we could have more Favorites during the month, and then order them if we chose to do so at the end of the month to put our top 5 Favorites first for each category, with the default being the first 5 Favorites chronologically per category for those who don't reorder?

Pictures from the last week do make it into the Top 5, so maybe it's not worth it; still, it's something I would like. What do others think?

2. 2 Mar 2010 11:46


To me this 'favorites ' are a mystery even now. I don't know how much they count in the top 5 process, but from what I've read and noticed, not everybody uses them for selecting pics that they want to see in Top5. Usually, people use favorites to keep a pic they'd like to come back to, even when they are sure the pic won't make it to the top5...I must confess, I myslef do this pretty often and it's because what Five said: I want to make sure it's the best selection for that month. So it's very easy to forget about a pic that did get your attention let's say...20 days ago...On the other hand, Top5 has 5 positions for each category so I see no reason not to favorite more than 5 pics a month...

3. 2 Mar 2010 12:40


I pick favorites because I like the picture and want it in, what I call my TD album! lol I selected some of my kids pictures and I know they are no way in the running for Top 5.
If favorites is used for Top 5 how about TD giving us an Album option for pictures we want to keep and let others use the fave's for voting.

4. 2 Mar 2010 13:08


Belladonis, I pick favorites based images that strike me as interesting and I want to remember to go back to them, even if they are not likely to be Top 5. I guess that's why I want more of them. Favorites solved the intentional down-voting problem (for the most part) by reducing the incentive. I'm glad they count for Top 5.

5. 2 Mar 2010 13:49


I follow my instincts. I feel I want to favorite a pic and then I do so. If I still have places, they are chosen ,if not I have to leave them out. I can't wait until the end of the month. That would be a lot of work.
Once I've given a FAVORITE to a pic, I never remove it from my favorites.
This is the solution I've given to it.... not perfect but at least I follow this "rule".

6. 2 Mar 2010 15:14


I prefer to copy the addresses of any drawings that I would like to see in Top 5, to a personal file. I can add to them as the month progresses. On or near the last day of the month, I narrow them down to 5 drawings in each category, irrespective of whether they can win or not. I use my favourites for the ones that please me the most.

7. 3 Mar 2010 01:10


Thanks you all of you above as this has made very interesting reading for me I must be a dumbo (don't answer that!) I did not realise that favourites were used in this way thought was just for us to mark our own personal favs so thank you once again I have learnt something else about TD and how it works. Is there somewhere on the site that explains all these 'rules' if so point me in the right direction.

8. 3 Mar 2010 01:12


Oops - minus one 'you' at beginning!

9. 3 Mar 2010 02:15


hmmm... well........ they aren't so much "rules" (no doubt you suspected that when putting the term in quotes yourself) as principles we've worked out for ourselves.

One can usually learn more than one really wants to know by reading the older postings in the forum of any website. ; P

10. 3 Mar 2010 03:51


I really like the idea of an 'album' in addition to 'favorites' - and I also like the idea of being able to order favourites for the end of month 'Top 5'.

I admire anyone like Login who is orderly enough to track pics, but I have to confess that I just would never get around to it - picking a 'favorite' is all choice of the moment stuff for me, and I very, very rarely replace a favorite.

11. 17 Mar 2010 07:08


Five favorites are hard to choose...I have replaced favorites too often; maybe we could narrow it down to 10 favs per theme? and/or an album would be wonderful unless it would overload the server...

12. 17 Mar 2010 07:32


I very much like Login's idea think might try this as especially with the new 'beads' so many wonderful works have been produced they all deserve a place! The choice is so diffucult - I personally do not want to have to change my favourites but think I am being greedy.

13. 31 Mar 2010 06:13


Choosing where to allocate my 'favourites' is always a difficult decision, but this month beads is giving me an enormous problem. There are so many imaginative and clever drawings ... a BIG dilemma.

14. 31 Mar 2010 11:33


i have a picture called "Nederlands Spring" that i clicked to be in spring showcase, it's not there, wondered why.

15. 31 Mar 2010 12:20


hjjr, you can go to your pic and click on edit details and add it to
the showcase.

16. 4 Apr 2010 07:42


hjjr, it's there. Page 9. they go in by the date they were created.

17. 4 Apr 2010 08:57


hi every one you should take a look at my new pics wich is your fav.

18. 26 Apr 2010 07:33


The brilliant pictures being created in beads are making it harder and harder to select five favourites each month. I've already collected 39 bead pictures for April, all worthy of a place in Top 5. I now have the difficult job dwindling them down to five, before pinning the red hearts on them. With still four days to go, I have to start the pruning process. Lawks a lummy ... where to start!

19. 26 Apr 2010 07:41


I agree Login there have been some absolute masterpieces and it is going to be so hard to choose - they all deserve to be there.