Think Draw Forums
Forums - Think Draw Feedback - REMOVAL REQUEST

1. 22 Feb 2010 15:12


Usually my eye just skips these in the gallery, but today I happened to notice one user has submitted at least 4 offensive (of 9 total) pictures. Basically puerile humor, but do we really need to leave these??

2. 22 Feb 2010 15:13


Forgot to ID the "artist!" sonic026.

3. 23 Feb 2010 02:19


Hi Normal..

Censorship really works mostly by concensus on ThinkDraw, so if you object to a picture, you can just click on the 'Report' button and if a couple of other people have also found it offensive, it will be removed from the Gallery (although still visible in the artist's own gallery).

If you come across a situation where some idiot has just let loose with extreme foul language or has posted a stupidly obscene picture, your best bet is to email ThinkDraw personally (and mark the message as urgent), and hope that they'll action it asap - I know they have in the past, when I've asked 'em.. but the pic(s) you're objecting to are really just puerile (as you say), so your best bet is to ignore them.

4. 23 Feb 2010 11:21


Thanks, Marg. They are easily ignorable, but I always feel uncomfortable in a situation where people feel free to behave in this way. 'Twas ever thus, I expect.

5. 27 Mar 2010 14:34


i saw who it waz and said tht he should not be doing that!