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Forums - Community - Mugdots XLIV-Book Covers

1. 31 Jan 2010 17:25


I credit Marg with inspiring my challenge idea -- she left the following comment on one of my pics: "I don't claim to understand this one, but it's so compelling that if it were a book, I'd buy it."

So, that's the challenge -- draw book covers. It can be a cover for an existing book or story or it can be one entirely in your imagination. Extra points if you give a pitch for the book, too.

I'll select the book cover I find most intriguing in a week.

2. 1 Feb 2010 01:05


Sounds like a fun one....

3. 1 Feb 2010 01:40


This will be very interesting! Great idea for the challenge, five!

4. 1 Feb 2010 02:14


This one's going to wonderful for sure. I hope I'll have more time these days. Ever since I saw the showcase I've been sighing.

5. 1 Feb 2010 18:06


War of the Worlds

6. 1 Feb 2010 19:05


Spiderwick Chronicles

7. 2 Feb 2010 04:13


The Bible

8. 2 Feb 2010 12:34


Puzzler's Book of the Unexplained!

9. 2 Feb 2010 12:34


my favourite book!

10. 2 Feb 2010 15:50


This is an old one but I thought I'd put it in before you could tell us new ones only. Hehehe.

Alligator Pie, Alligator Pie, If I don't get some I think I'm gonna die. Give away the green grass, give away the sky, but don't give away my Alligator Pie.
Alligator Stew, Alligator stew, If I don't get some I don't know what I'll do. Give away my furry hat, give away my shoe, but don't give away my Alligator Stew.
Alligator Soup, Alligator Soup, if I don't get some I think I'm gonna droop. Give away my hockey stick, give away my hoop, but don't give away my Alligator Soup.

11. 2 Feb 2010 16:48


oooh good, Dragon... and it means I can sneak this one in from last April, back when the one-voter could cause things to pretty thoroughly disappear and other lesser ones take the limelight. This is one I actually loved and felt a pang over.

Joseph Campbell's 'The Hero with a Thousand Faces'

12. 2 Feb 2010 17:05


You did ask for a "pitch" for the work... I'll give you two, one for the book, one for the illustration, each based on discoveries they've helped me make.

The original cover image is made up of splashes of color, each of which is, of course, a tiny picture of another face! From trying to re-create it in ThinkDraw, I discovered just how persnickety shading is in maintaining a feeling of proportion -- mine feeeels wider, tho' since I traced it up onto acetate that I then laid over my monitor, every feature truly fits perfectly.

The story itself is an eye-opening appraisal of the most powerful elements in story-telling through all ages and all cultures. Campbell not only shows that the heroes (yes AND heroines) go through recognizable stages of conflict and growth, he also defined those so clearly that his steps have regularly been used as a framework by highly ranked authors ever since.

I listened to the work originally in a set of tapes as I drove across country, later watched the interview of Campbell by Bill Moyers on PBS, and consider it one of the most crucial systems of thought in shaping my own understanding of life.


13. 2 Feb 2010 22:39


since others are tossing in older pics so will I,

first off The cover for 'Fire Sea' book 3 in the deathgate cycle by the Hickman/Weis duo. The Host, stephanie meyer- probably my favorite book right now.- Melanie, one of the few humans left being human, gets captured by the aliens who control the bodies of most of the population, and becomes the host of the legendary 'Wanderer", only unlike most host bodies- melanie doesn't give up without a fight- she and wanderer take a little adventure.... and well- i don't want to spoil it:) A Painted house, John Grisham- set back in the 50's?, a young boy, his parents and grandparents live on a cotton farm, nearly harvest time so the family inlists the help of mexicans and hill people- both of which travel every year to their little town- - told from the perspective of a 7 year old boy- the trials of love, death, disability and prejudice through the eyes of a child- a fascinating read!

14. 3 Feb 2010 00:54

Heidi2323 I have added this as a cover to a book yet to be written. While gazing through a magazine, I saw an image of lightening and the sub headline Blink and You'll Miss It and had a TA DA! moment.

They just seemed to go so well together for this challenge.

15. 3 Feb 2010 10:24


A new one:

16. 3 Feb 2010 10:28


And an older one (wasn't in the shocase though:) ): Madame Bovary, by Gustave Flaubert

17. 3 Feb 2010 13:44


Stephen King: Song of Susannah

18. 3 Feb 2010 14:08


Here is an old one of mine.

The Pokey Little Puppy

My favorite story as a child! My children love it as well and I was able to read to them from the same book my mother read to me. My mom kept all my old childrens story books. Some of my other favs as a child were pop up books, I collect them today!

19. 4 Feb 2010 02:34


These are old ones too. for Robin Hood

and for the artist Banksy

20. 4 Feb 2010 12:44


These are all great -- I like the old ones, too; however, I am going to pick a new one as the challenge winner. Keep 'em coming.