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Forums - Community - Challenge XXVII - Great Britain

1. 29 Jan 2010 08:27


At the risk of being too patriotic, I'd like to see how everyone else in the world depicts Great Britain! That's England, Wales and Scotland.

It can include places, animals, objects - infact anything that you associate with G.B.

All pics must be new. Closes on Saturday 6th Feb.
Good luck!

2. 29 Jan 2010 08:59


(goes rummaging around in the mind's memory photofiles ...slowly smiling)

3. 29 Jan 2010 09:08


Oh, it's not the challenge I find patriotic. It's getting 'weather' as a showcase, I admire as a ...well, sort of a statement .

4. 29 Jan 2010 11:11


5. 29 Jan 2010 12:13


Hmmm..Should be interesting.

6. 29 Jan 2010 14:20


Ah yes Shanley, how lucky am I? The weather is never far from our minds over the pond.
What a cute little guardsman Robin! That bearskin will keep the rain off nicely!

7. 29 Jan 2010 16:15

Heidi2323 Of course what would a trip to London be without seeing the Queen?

8. 29 Jan 2010 16:40


check out my sietr foprum by me

9. 29 Jan 2010 16:49


Oh Heidi, 'er Majesty is looking a bit sallow today, but definitely recognizable.
You should do one of the Queen Mum, she was my favorite.
Of course it would be better to portray her in her living format, not as she looks today.

10. 29 Jan 2010 16:50


(complete with her pale blue suit and matching hat)

11. 29 Jan 2010 16:50


auntie b come look at your fotrum youre good at advice and sister needs some

12. 29 Jan 2010 18:46


It simply wouldn't be the Queen Mum without a hat now would it.

13. 29 Jan 2010 20:21


WHAT??? Great Britian is more than just England??? And do all species of whales count??? I didn't know Scotland was great or Britian...

Think Draw is better than Wikipedia...

14. 30 Jan 2010 00:18


Yep ... England, Wales and Scotland = Great Britain.
Add Northern Ireland to that group and you have the United Kingdom.

15. 30 Jan 2010 01:49

Heidi2323 Of course, Baldur we cannot forget the Queen Mum!

16. 30 Jan 2010 01:50


OOPS! I meant Auntie B....

17. 30 Jan 2010 04:49


sorry, puzzler.. I ran out of time, but here's one for you..

18. 30 Jan 2010 05:38


I'll have a go tonight, puzzler ... when I don't have to feel guilty about playing.
I'm thinking while I'm working though.

19. 30 Jan 2010 11:17


OK, I confess to being a copycat. Tim42 did the first version, and Baldur carried the character on into the Dr.Bear series. But I never claimed to have scruples.

20. 30 Jan 2010 13:28


Marg, where did your pic go?

Heidi, Her Majesty wonders if you would like to present her with a copy of your portrait of her at one of the Royal Garden parties?

Robin, I make it a rule, never to upset a Scotsman, especially when they're wielding a set of bagpipes!