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1. 26 Jan 2010 16:42


Well, I guess I'm out of my corner now (Thanks Marius )...and it's time for a new list...



As for count...well, it's been a bit high for the last few. This isn't a bad thing at all, I've loved seeing the extra development everyone's been able to put into their stories in the higher count...but now I'm here to spoil everyone's fun and reign it back in.

I'd like to see a strict 123. (Now, I say “strict”, but I'm not going to bother actually checking anyone's word count...)

Can't wait to see what you all come up with!

2. 26 Jan 2010 18:22


Wow! Already off and running! Great word list. And what a challenge you've set ... 123 words!

Are the words to be used 'as is' or are variations accepted? Okay ... see you before too long.

3. 26 Jan 2010 18:35


ye gods and little fishes, midnight.... THAT was quick... wow girl, ‘fess up now, did you really make up this list instantaneously off the top of your head? or have you been growing a collection of these little gems all along, so you were prepared ahead of time like those supposedly impromptu speeches at the Oscars??

Hmm... let's see here... what have you perpetrated on us... ahh, yes... a short word count, but some of the longest fanciest most extravagant words ever in the list!

(You hear a soft burst of light joyous laughter, fading gently as I wander off mumbling something that culminates in "...ostensibly strangled with malice by a set of synchronized garlands in the kiosk of the Muse of Apathy...")


4. 27 Jan 2010 00:27


JUDY, JUDY, JUDY (123 w/o title).

"Judy, come out here right now! We're behind schedule and still have to synchronize the scene with the Munchkins!!"

"OK ,Sir". Miss Garland said (wanting to strangle him), "I'm coming."

After the scene was filmed, she ran out to smoke a cigarrette in the parking lot. 'These extravagent productions and ostensible musings only culminate in my increased apathy.' she was churning.

The man at the newspaper kiosk shouted to her "They mean no malice, Kiddo! They have strict time restraints. Don't take it personally".

"That's easy for you to say, fat old man!! " Judy yelled. "All you do is sell hot dogs and newspapers."

"I do so much more than that."

"Judy, get back in here! Time for 'Over the Rainbow' take 3."

5. 27 Jan 2010 00:50


I think this is funny, but bringing in stuff that's already happened makes it easier to make a story in 123 words.

6. 27 Jan 2010 02:41


Marius, variations are acceptable, though I prefer 'as is'.

Q, the list was totally off the top of my head...if I think too much about these sort of things, it ends up ugly...I prefer to do things without thought.

Giraffe, very cute! I actually thought of Judy when I added the word garland to the list. Well done!

7. 27 Jan 2010 02:51



8. 27 Jan 2010 04:40


Awesome word list! I had to look four of them up, so if I used them incorrectly please correct me.

No title (123 words)

Laying in a white bed, under a white sheet, looking a t a bare white wall that had not even a garland to brake the white culminate of boredom, Linda mused over the synchronized apathy of the doctors. She shivered. The regional health-care was not considered good, but this extravagant lack of attention, this failure to attend, this malicious show of not caring made it ostensible that the whole staff may have fallen asleep, or was purposefully ignoring her.
A pitiful strangled cry escaped Linda's lips, so faint that the man working the popcorn kiosk in the hall didn't even hear it. Cold, pain, lack of breath inundated her mind till panic took its hold. Then a soft soothing voice whispered, "Its okay Mom, I'm here."

9. 27 Jan 2010 04:51


midnight: Awesome word list and I do enjoy the challenge of a short word count. Will be back on that one later.

giraffe: Cute!

Nylecoj: Definately needs a rewrite. I thought it could be outstanding but was fumbled and jumbled up in the first paragragh by mistakes. Loved the second paragrapgh! Your blend of words was amusing.

10. 27 Jan 2010 05:24


(er... midnight? ...mine was meant as a bit of a joke... it's exactly 123 and has 'em all in there...) ;>

11. 27 Jan 2010 05:31


Thank you Doug, I'll work on it. I didn't read it after I typed it so I missed any typos.

12. 27 Jan 2010 05:35


Q, I realized that after I responded. My brain doesn't work too well first thing in the morning. Sorry

13. 27 Jan 2010 05:40


Nylecoj, some specific terms you'll want to investigate more closely include--

laying vs lying

brake vs break

culminate vs culmination

and synchronized ...although I'm actually charmed at the concept of apathy as a condition that can be coordinated, I think you'd wind up in trouble for playing obscure mind games (like my "Exchange" in TW XXXIV) you'll gain strength if you manage to shuffle a few words around there, like maybe "synchronized exhibition of apathy" --g'luck with it!

14. 27 Jan 2010 05:42


Q grins at midnightpoet --and offers her own usual morning cocktail of Diet Cola, an egg, and 4 Ibuprofen!

15. 27 Jan 2010 05:42


I'll post the warning now. Might be a "tad" offensive to some, but this is what came out of my rather tangled brain...

Take One

“Strangle Garland with a barbed-wire chain tight around that flabby goose flesh posing as a neck! “

It was true that Mark had mused long and hard over this line for his “Malice” screenplay. Maybe it was rather curious that he wavered back and forth culminating in a diatribe of synchronized apathy sure to confuse the true extravagance of the action.

The setting was fixed. The murder would take place next to the kiosk where a statue of Dillinger stood ostensibly blocking the “behind the scenes” dramatics. Mary Margaret Mayhill would play Garland. She had just enough frumpiness to stamp a believable image of sad sack Garland on the screen.

But, that damn line!

Awwwwww…Just shoot the bitch! It will be easier….

16. 27 Jan 2010 05:44


Ny, it was a bit rough, but I enjoyed it. I don't think your use of culminate was correct, though. I really liked the idea or synchronized apathy!

17. 27 Jan 2010 05:47


ooh, Doug...I like that...of course, it takes quite a bit to offend me

Q...thanks, but I've got my typical breakfast of coffee and cigarettes now, and I'm feeling much more alert.

18. 27 Jan 2010 05:49


Q....without malice or forthought I used the same combo of words "synchronized apathy". I don't know if it just stuck in my cranium when I read nylecoj's piece or it "called out to me" as most of my writing does. But, yes the king of "word tangle" should recognize that "synchronized apathy" is a condition that exists in the literary world as being a truth and in real life too. If there is a "big" crash on the freeway what do you have. You have the lookyloos who slow down and watch to see how bad the carnage is and then you have the "crowd" that forms in a ball of synchronized apathy as they stand there and gawk and do nothing. Oh we're starting this thread off just can hide in your corner midnight....we have lots of material. lol.

19. 27 Jan 2010 05:51

Qsilv! love it!

20. 27 Jan 2010 05:51


ooops..insert "Queen"....delete "King" coke caffeine free..have to work tonight and it will be sleeptime in a couple of hours.