Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Gallery or Showcase?

1. 30 Dec 2009 13:37


Being a TD newbie I have so far put all my drawings in gallery.
What is the idea behind showcase? is it to give inspiration and how often is it changed?
Would there be any point in entering into a previous showcase, for instance my Sphinx would have been at home in the Egypt showcase or are they no longer viewed and people only enter into the current one?

2. 30 Dec 2009 13:49


There is no ability to enter any of the previous showcases... and yes, you nailed it... They are inspirational... They change every couple of weeks... Jan 1st will be titled "Beginings"...

They are fun as is the whole site in my opinion...


Welcome to Think Draw...

3. 30 Dec 2009 14:00


one more detail: they can be suggested by users somewhere in the TD feedback forum . have fun!

4. 30 Dec 2009 18:53


one more detail.... they actually are still viewed!

Click "Showcase" and you can poke around back through every official one that ever existed.... we've come a long way in new palettes and sophisticated approaches to using their pixels, but many early designs are still utterly amazing.