Think Draw Forums
Forums - Think Draw Feedback - a "zipper" on Playback?

1. 17 Dec 2009 09:39


Wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to stop the playback at various moments along the way?

AND to have a seconds counter so we could say to each other, "oooh be sure to look at that bit that happens right at 18... see it??"

(I know, I know.. that's not normal Flash... but... it's the wishing season!)

(And credit/blame where it's due -- Doug's garden got me to thinking about this even more than usual!)


2. 17 Dec 2009 10:08


Qsilv, you can absolutely stop the play back for a while by stacking lots of the same piece on top of each other. The easiest way is to choose something on the border close to wear the piece you are using resides.
Just drag dozens of those over into location, The more pieces you add the longer the pause. The key here is to position them precisely so one cannot see the multiple additions

3. 17 Dec 2009 10:13


I think Qsilv was wanting to stop it while watching playback, not while making a picture.

4. 17 Dec 2009 10:15


Baldur is now officially lost LOL

5. 17 Dec 2009 10:26


It would work during playback, Dragon, but it would pause only as long as the 'stack' took to play. The problem is in selecting the moment that you want it to pause.

6. 17 Dec 2009 10:39


oops... damn. Yes, what Dragon said...
a trackable video playback pause function on all already-created pieces.

(well of course Baldur's quite fetching, wandering around with that lost look... rare tho!)

7. 17 Dec 2009 11:32


I was actually messing around while doing my copy of the lipstick kiss picture, and tried to see if I could pause the playback, and it worked. then, I saw this topic...and then I made this picture to test the method I used in the lip stick picture, I slowed down the playback. it was a lot of fun to do...

8. 17 Dec 2009 11:34


ps. I know this isn't what you were talking about, but it's fun to play around with...

9. 17 Dec 2009 12:07


Yeah, did anyone notice that if you press the playback button while it's playing, it will start at a different point.

10. 17 Dec 2009 12:25


yup, did notice that, and played around with it for a while. Appears utterly random, doesn't it.

I've also tried doing a lot of screen captures to re-create the sequence in stills so it can be studied. Surprisingly hard to get the particular moments I want!

Probably a video capture would work on already completed pieces.

All throught the building of my own pix (complicated ones, anyway) I do tend to make screenies rather obsessively... gives me a slightly better chance to notice beforehand those pesky glitches that glare so horribly AFTER I've submitted.. ;>

11. 17 Dec 2009 12:27


- t = through (sure an awful lot of typos in my own stuff lately... pfff)

12. 17 Dec 2009 12:31


Hey, quick idea, did anyone ever think it would be fun to make one of those big awesome pictures that take hours, but don't tell anyone to play it while you secretly have something behind it? I think that would be cool, that's why I play most of the pics I see, to see if it happened ever.

13. 17 Dec 2009 12:32


*winks... it has happened.

14. 17 Dec 2009 12:33



15. 17 Dec 2009 14:23


Hey guys, I don't know about your computers, but on my mine, if you right-click on the picture during playback it will pause (brings up a menu), then just click on the picture again to resume.

16. 17 Dec 2009 14:25


Really? I'll try that.

17. 17 Dec 2009 14:25


Nope, my doesn't do that.

18. 18 Dec 2009 08:44



I have discovered if you press play rapidly you get a lot of strange effects..

19. 18 Dec 2009 08:47



It dosen't stop playback on my computer..

20. 18 Dec 2009 10:01


Hmmm... must be a Mac thing. Yeah, I can just "right click" pretty much anywhere on the page and it "pauses" the playback (brings up a pop-up menu) and then I click anywhere again and it resumes.