Think Draw Forums
Forums - Think Draw Feedback - Misclicking

1. 9 Dec 2009 06:05


ThinkDraw - Is it possible to add a feature that asks if you're sure you want to navigate away from the drawing page when you're drawing? For example, if you're drawing something in flowers and click on animals it will prompt you to confirm this.

The reason I ask is because this morning I was drawing a picture. I'd spent 2 hours on it, and I was almost done, probably about 3/4 done, and it was probably the best drawing I've done to date, and my daughter called for me, and I looked away, and accidentally clicked "more" and when I looked back, the drawing was GONE. I hadn't saved draft because I was planning on finishing it in one sitting. And now I've lost all that work. I'm sitting here shaking and crying...I can't believe all that work is gone because of a misclick!

2. 9 Dec 2009 06:14


I second this request, i have lost many a drawing with a miss-click!

3. 9 Dec 2009 06:24


I too have run afoul of the dreaded misclick...

4. 9 Dec 2009 06:31


Glad I'm not alone in this. Now, I'm going to go try to recreate that 2 hours worth of work, and maybe actually finish the drawing.

5. 9 Dec 2009 07:23


GREAT SUGGESTION! It would be similar to the confirmation that appears on the CLEAR button. I hope it's not that difficult. Thanks in advance dear Rachel

6. 9 Dec 2009 07:43


hehehe Miss Click has gotten y'all
No one iz safe

7. 9 Dec 2009 07:44


Ooo, yes please ... too easy to get distracted and to go off at a tangent ... need a safety net.

8. 9 Dec 2009 08:30


I'm throwing my vote in there too. Seems like a really good idea.

9. 9 Dec 2009 09:52


I second... er.. 7th.. the motion.

All I did was have a the world's tiniest muscle-tired spasm... finger happened to be hovering to the side... off my pic... over one of the views of other artists' recent work.... *B*A*M* ...there I was, staring at this other person's drawing... and 4 hours of my work... gone forever.

; /

10. 11 Dec 2009 08:00


8th the motion!

11. 11 Dec 2009 10:51


And sometimes the dog bumps your elbow.......9th the motion..

12. 11 Dec 2009 11:40


Yes this has happened so many times...yesterday i tried drawing something 3 times then finally gave up. this is what happens to me: i get up for one second and my 3 yr old dives for my chair and cklicks away instantly.
i thought about writing the same request so glad others want this too.

13. 11 Dec 2009 14:12


I'm sure we have asked for this before - but I support the motion wholeheartedly..

if we could just get a confirmation request whenever you try to navigate anywhere off the 'Draw' panel

(sorry, 11thing motions just sounded horrible !)

14. 11 Dec 2009 16:15


Ahem…*clears throat*

Twelfth—Gemini’s inquiring
‘Leventh—Marg asking nicely
Tenth—Polly’s tots a jumping
Ninth—Luna’s dogs a bumping
Eighth—Marius eighthing
Seventh—Q’s finger aching
Sixth—Dragon takes action
Fifth—Safe for Login’s distraction
Fourth—Polenta’s concurrence
Third—Matt’s mis-clicking occurrence
Second—Cover Arw’s loss
And Midnight Poet won’t suffer when her little girl calls…

15. 11 Dec 2009 16:24


Now there is no way she can refuse... It's the rules...

16. 11 Dec 2009 20:42


(why does Inked's list leave me humming... "five goooooolden rings... and a quoRUMMM in a pear tree..........)

17. 12 Dec 2009 03:37


Qsilv.. plEASe tell me what a 'quoRUMMM' is ?

(and I-Gemini.. you're just brilliant !)

18. 12 Dec 2009 04:36


Lol...well, my "twelfthing" the motion coupled with it being the Christmas season (and I do love Christmas)...may have something to do with it. Add to that the fact that we do sometimes sound like little children begging for a Christmas present from the Think Draw Sant-ee Claus...

It is a very good suggestion though. So...can we have it? Please? Please, please, please, can we, can we, can we...

19. 12 Dec 2009 06:40


... please ...

20. 12 Dec 2009 08:53


I have had that happen! So count my vote in! Er......13 person?