Think Draw Forums
Forums - Think Draw Feedback - Rachel- Deleted picture?

1. 6 Dec 2009 07:00


a picture i did under 'guesstheartistgame' - the one in top 5 animals for November 09 was deleted this morning. is there a way to get it back?

2. 6 Dec 2009 07:14


Well, there's nothing offensive about it ... maybe it's because a multi-user ID can't win Top 5. Try asking her to restore it, but to your own gallery. If you need support for your request I will be glad to ask her as well.

3. 6 Dec 2009 07:16


I noticed that, too..... Maybe someone was on GuessTheArtistGame an deleted it? I don't really think so, we're all too nice to do such a thing. I'd go with Login's theory.

4. 6 Dec 2009 07:16


My guess is that it was a user hoping that by deleting the picture it would open up another top 5 spot, either that or well i don't know, it was deleted in the last hour?... i had checked the comments on it this morning, then when i checked again about 20 minutes ago it had been deleted.

5. 6 Dec 2009 07:18


While i'd like to believe that we're all that nice i know there are a few users who are down right malicious. I don't think it was done by Rachel or anyone on the TD team.

6. 6 Dec 2009 07:29


Oh my God. If it was deleted it's a real pity. I hope Rachel can bring it back or make something so that nobody can delete pics from a multi-user ID. I hope you get it back ARW.

7. 6 Dec 2009 07:31


Listen I've just gone back to November -Top5 and your Guess the Artist pic is there Arw. LUCKILY!!!!!!!!!!!

8. 6 Dec 2009 07:41


if a pic is deleted after it makes top 5, the thumbnail will still show up in the top 5...I seem to remember it happening before that someone didn't think their picture deserved the top 5 spot, so deleted it so another pic could take it's place, but the thumbnail is still there in that spot, it just says the picture is gone if you click on it...

Arw, I really hope someone didn't do this out of was such a nice picture, and it really sucks that someone would just delete something that you obviously put so much work into. Hopefully, as the thumbnail still shows up in top 5, it shouldn't be hard to restore it. And it would be nice if it could be restored to your own gallery, so that no one could do this to you again.

9. 6 Dec 2009 07:50


thanks for the support ladies, i hope that in the future rachel can find a way to correct this kind of thing- I understand that this problem may not be fixable as of yet.- I think that most TD users are kind, sweet, and all around good people who would not do a thing like this.

10. 6 Dec 2009 07:55


I was sad I didn't get to look at it! It really is a beautiful picture, I hope it can be restored. You have my support Arw.

11. 6 Dec 2009 08:03


Yes, it really was beautiful. Maybe someone did it out of jealousy or just because they had the ability?

12. 6 Dec 2009 08:18


Just to subscribe to the 'I'd like my pic back' list. Mine (Che Guevara) was also deleted and certainly not by me...

13. 6 Dec 2009 08:19


Ok, someone's either looking for a thrill, or is very jealous!

14. 6 Dec 2009 08:28


GuessTheArtistGame deleted quite a few of their own pictures today.

Unfortunately it is not possible to retrieve these pictures. We are aware of the request for special settings for accounts for multiple users, such as the inability to comment or rate. If in future there is a special type of account we will prevent the deletion of pictures.

Sorry for the loss of pictures, and please be careful when using open accounts. We will also consider banning the IP address used and deleting any accounts associated with it.

15. 6 Dec 2009 08:30


Oh, that's so sad. I'm sorry Arw.

16. 6 Dec 2009 08:55


I understand, thanks TD! you guys really do take care of us!

17. 6 Dec 2009 09:03


Maybe it can be re-made?

18. 6 Dec 2009 09:13


Wow... I know we accidently lost some saved drafts on "Thinkdrawus"... but I can not imagine that there is a way to "accidently" delete multiple pics on that account...

I am all for deleting the account of the user that did it...

19. 6 Dec 2009 09:21


Mainly, until user accounts are banned for all this stupid crap, I will somehow manage to get the blame...

I think short term banishment to begin with with a warning that another offense will be cause for a lifetime ban...

What do y'all think?

20. 6 Dec 2009 09:24


I have one question, can Think Draw trace the Cyber-prints and figure out who did this based on which two users have the same computer.