Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - TD Spring Fling

1. 5 Feb 2009 16:20


Hey - anyone interested in a TD get-together this spring?

We could find some cheap area central to the North American contingent (Sorry Europe and the rest of the world - I don't have a passport

Get some group rates at a hotel or amusement park.

Hang out for the weekend?

Meet each other?

Just a thought?

Curious about responses...


2. 5 Feb 2009 16:27


Can't ... this spring I am taking the MCAT and after that is finished filling out applications.


(Otherwise I would say yes.. and love to... but time is...)

3. 5 Feb 2009 17:18



If my money tree from "baby" arrives and grows I'll sign up! It's a great idea and I hope it works out for you. It would be interesting to meet everyone. Wouldn't it be something if it snowballed on you! Good luck!!

4. 5 Feb 2009 17:47


I would love to, where would I sign up for one of those money trees...

it really does sound like fun but not possible for me right now...

5. 5 Feb 2009 18:11


baby drew a Money Tree that I thought was cute. It's somewhere between page 3 and 8 at least it was.

6. 5 Feb 2009 18:46


Baby's money tree...