Think Draw Forums
Forums - Think Draw Feedback - Problem activating an account

1. 9 Nov 2009 14:53


I have this problem with the activation of the account. I can no longer the e-mail I have initially used for making the TD account and so although I can draw pics and make comments, I can't vote or add pics to favorites. I already used the feedback option twice with no result...Hopefully, the right person will see this and help me out a bit...

2. 15 Nov 2009 07:47


Solutions? Suggestions? Anyone?

3. 15 Nov 2009 08:40


When I joined, we didn't need to activate it... I don't know the process, but I would wager that you will either need to access that account or get Rachel's attention to change it to one you have access to...

Why can't you access your email? Forgot username or password? There should be a "forgot password" link...

Keep leaving feedback for Rachel & keep bumping this post to the top till you get a response is the only other suggestion I have...

4. 15 Nov 2009 08:53


Yeah, I didn't have to activate anything. Maybe it's a new protection kind fo thing. If you weren't planning to stay on Think Draw for too long, you might use a fake address. I know from experience...

5. 15 Nov 2009 13:30


Such a lot of experience for one so , young?

6. 15 Nov 2009 13:32


If I don't plan to stay on the website for long, I make a fake address. If I like it, I use my real one.

7. 18 Nov 2009 13:01


:( so many great pics..and I still can't vote.

8. 18 Nov 2009 13:43


Oh, I'm sorry! If you want, you might be able to ask someone to vote for you.

9. 18 Nov 2009 13:47


Thank you for the suggestion maddyjean, but that would be asking them not to express their opinion for expressing mine. Wouldn't be ok. If TD doesn't read the feedback and send me another link on the specified e-mail, I guess there's nothing I can do. I wouldn't want to give up this account and create a new one for the sake of being able to vote...

10. 18 Nov 2009 13:48


Ok, I get it.

11. 20 Nov 2009 09:30


The problem was solved. I now can rate. Thank you very much TD!

12. 20 Nov 2009 10:12


Very cool Shanley... I see you have begun on your favorites... Congrats...

13. 20 Nov 2009 10:39


glad you've solved your problem. Good luck!! Shanley