Think Draw Forums
Forums - Think Draw Feedback - Top 5 - October 2009

1. 2 Nov 2009 12:21


I thought it would it ready by now. When is it due? I think we are all pretty curious about pics of this month .

2. 2 Nov 2009 13:20


Yeah, I know I am. Not that I think I won or ever going to, I just like seeing who's creations made it.

3. 2 Nov 2009 13:31


Usually with in 5 days after end of month... Gotta give pics made on the last day of the month a chance to get some votes...

4. 4 Nov 2009 04:06


Wow! another impressive month in the Top 5! Congratulations to all of the honorees...your work is fantastic! Now, a favor...could someone post the last pic in each category of the Top 5 for me? For whatever reason, my computer only shows the Top4, and even in the gallery I only see a line of 4 pics, not 5. But the gallery is fluid, and moves as new pics are created. Top 5 is what it is, and I'd never get to see the last row if not for some kind soul on Thinkdraw every month. Thanks!

5. 4 Nov 2009 04:39


Here they are Robin
Flowers - Matthew
Gothic - ARW65
Fruit - A4e4ka
Candy - Login
Animals - Gocards
Avatars - Yufie
New Artist - Thuthuong

6. 4 Nov 2009 04:57


Thanks so much, Nadia!

7. 4 Nov 2009 05:13


CONGRATULATIONS to all the winners!

8. 4 Nov 2009 05:26


Congratulations to all the winners and especially the first-time winners. I haven't compared with other months but it seems the terribly difficult gothic was incredibly good this month. Let's have a toast to all the winners!!!!

9. 4 Nov 2009 06:29


I'll join you on the toast a little later in the day! My congratulation to all!!

10. 4 Nov 2009 06:54


I give many congratulations to all!

11. 4 Nov 2009 12:37


I didn't win any, did I?

12. 4 Nov 2009 14:43


every month I am amazed at how the art has evolved on this sight...congratulations to everyone...maddyjean click on top 5 and go see.

13. 4 Nov 2009 14:56


maddyjean has become a TD princess (she's still too young to be the queen). She should show everything she does and writes here to her parents, older siblings or her teacher. It would be very good for her to share it with an adult or an older person she trusts. Do it Maddyjean.....

14. 4 Nov 2009 15:00


*** This post has been removed at the request of our users. ***

15. 4 Nov 2009 15:07


He's right......

16. 4 Nov 2009 17:53


I doubt that he is right. I agree with Polenta, find someone to share with.

17. 6 Nov 2009 08:39


I Want to send a Congrats and Thanks to all the wonderful artists whose pics made the top 5- especially the newcomers. also a thanks to all the wonderful pics that didn't make the cut- there were lots of wonderful pics and i wish that all could get that recognition.

18. 6 Nov 2009 10:14


It was good to see sooooo many pics make the top 5 with MULTIPLE 1 votes...

Yet the OVB still thinks it makes a difference...

Retards & @$$holes just don't mix do they...

19. 6 Nov 2009 12:03


Congratulations to all of you who got a significant number of votes this month. Top 5 choses a limited number of good drawings, but fortunately we had plenty to chose from.

20. 6 Nov 2009 12:05

