Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Rating, Comments, Voting Etiquette

1. 12 Sep 2009 19:12


Are there any rules or suggestions new members should know regarding comments, voting, etc.?

2. 12 Sep 2009 19:24


For me I vote on pics that I like and the ones that I really love I make my favorites. As far as comments I comment on what I like about the pic. I personally dont like to see comments that are ment to cause arguments and there have been some. But I think you vote on what you like and comment as to why!

3. 12 Sep 2009 19:41


I personally vote if I like the picture. 98% of the times I give a 5 and 2% it could be a 4. I usually comment on the pics I like or attract me. As for favorites, I haven't made up my mind yet if to tick the box on the day they appear or wait until the end of the month. So far I really didn't want to favorite a person and then take it away from him/her.

4. 13 Sep 2009 18:12


Some people don't vote at all, but like polenta and belladonnis said- if you like a picture enough to vote go ahead and vote for it. Most people only give a 5 vote but a lot will say give whatever vote you think is appropriate.
As for comments we try to keep them fun and supportive. If we see someone is making rude comments we'll usually call them on it and sometimes ask Rachel (who runs the site) to remove a particularily nasty comment. She's really great about it.