Think Draw Forums
Forums - Think Draw Feedback - Submit to My Gallery...

1. 6 Aug 2009 16:04


Wouldn't it be nice if we could submit a picture to our own picture gallery if we didn't want to share it indiscriminately?

After all the crazy over the nudes this week I was thinking that I don’t plan to stop doing nudes but at the same time I can understand that some people don’t want to see naked bodies in the gallery.

I’m not saying I would not ever post one to the gallery but given the option I think most people can filter their own art for tastefulness. I personally would certainly choose to post to my gallery any drawing I thought had a GOOD chance of offending a good number of people.

It would give us a chance to “censor” ourselves instead of causing others to feel the need to and still those who visited our galleries would be able to see it if they wanted to.

It goes without saying these would not be up for winning Top Five we could still enter challenges, they could appear as do censored pics now and we could give a brief note as to why we “censored” it.

Anyone have any thoughts on this?

2. 6 Aug 2009 16:19


i like that idea, Solosater.

3. 6 Aug 2009 16:24


Me too

4. 6 Aug 2009 17:36


This is a great idea. I know someone earlier had suggested a private gallery of our own that only the artist had access to but this is a really clever solution. I know there have been people who've drawn pics they really liked but were reluctant to submit because of the subject matter. This idea would definitly solve that.

5. 6 Aug 2009 18:05


We could call it "Our dirty little secret" Gallery...

6. 6 Aug 2009 18:10


Sounds good to me.

7. 6 Aug 2009 20:48


Add me in, I wont let you go solo on this one.

8. 6 Aug 2009 22:24


Thanks bella, you are to kind.

I don't know if it will ever happen but the TD goddess does listen to our requests and in due time many of them are granted. She's very reasonable that way;-)