Think Draw Forums

1. 24 Jul 2009 11:55


I am so delighted space was chosen! Since I have been a kid, and even now, I dream of being in space!!
I still have my record album of conversations, to and on the moon!
Just wanted to say, that every pic admitted, I am and will so enjoy!!
Keep them coming!!

2. 24 Jul 2009 12:52


lilalee, I totally agree! A couple of years ago, an Idaho teacher, Barbara Morgan, was the first teacher in space. When she returned from their mission, she was generous enough to come to Boise State University and give a presentation of her experience free of charge! My son and I went, and I swear I was almost bawling just thinking of what she was able to experience. I listened to her speak, and as a 40-something year old woman, I was imagining myself hearing her as a teenager. This ordinary woman from the little mountain town of McCall, Idaho was chosen among thousands of other candidates to train for the mission. She was second choice behind Christine McCoullagh who was tragically killed in the space shuttle disaster in the 80's. It took over 20 more years for her to actually make it to a space mission. If she can get to space, ANYONE can do ANYTHING they aspire to!

Thanks for thinking of such a great topic, lila, and thanks for taking her suggestion seriously, ThinkDraw!

3. 24 Jul 2009 13:04


Thanks Robin!! I live in Ohio, and several times we have traveled to Wapakoneta, Ohio, to the space museum there. It was Neil Armstrong's home, so the museum is filled with wonderful things, from that famous voyage! I love going there, and every time, I think, Wow!! It is unbelievable that we went to the moon!!

4. 24 Jul 2009 13:09


Lila, I feel the same way. I am hoping to plan a trip to Houston next year to see Nasa. I think space travel is proof to us all the ANYTHING is possible!

When Barbara Morgan spoke here, she mentioned the Ground Commander of the International Space Station and said he had a brother here in boise. His brother, ironically was a neurosurgeon that I worked with fairly routinely. So the next time I saw this doctor, I mentioned to him that I had seen Barbara Morgan and she spoke of his brother. This doctor, I should tell you, is kind of a jerk as far as personality. So the nurses who were listening nearby got the biggest kick when I asked him, "So, who's the golden child in YOUR family?? The rocket scientist or the brain surgeon??" (apparently it's the rocket scientist, as his brother arranged for the astronauts on the international space station to call his mother on her cell phone to wish her happy birthday!)

5. 24 Jul 2009 13:52


That's funny, Robin!! Also a nice birthday call!! Can you just imagine??

6. 24 Jul 2009 14:22


I know, I about dropped over when he told me that! He said his mom was shopping in Macy's and was at the checkout. The reception was bad in the store, and she had to run out on the cashier to take the call outside. When she came back in she was crying and apologizing to the cashier that she ran out, but there were astronauts singing happy birthday to her on the phone! LOL! I guess that cashier just looked at her like she was CRAZY!! I loved that story when he told me!

His brother is now in Moscow, working with the Russain cosmonauts on their program for the next few years. I really wanted to go to Houston while he was still stationed there, because that doctor was willing to arrange a "behind the scenes" tour for me and my boy! It would have been a dream come true. I guess they have an entire wall where they can reach the space station on webcam, and you can talk to the astronauts live with them being on the wall lifesize! Wouldn't that be soooo cool!?

7. 24 Jul 2009 14:28


8. 24 Jul 2009 14:32


Yes, that would be cool!! I get excited just thinking about being that close to it all!! You and your son still may have that oppurtunity someday!! If he is older he will love it all the more.
I was just so excited to see the suit Neil Armstrong wore, and thinking, oh, is that moon dust??!! Now, I want to go back!!
That cashier probably did think she was crazy! Most people don't pay any attention to the trips in space. But his mom has a wonderful memory and story to tell!!

9. 24 Jul 2009 15:31


lila, I would love to see that Neil Armstrong memorobilia! I envy you that you are close enough to visit more than once!

10. 24 Jul 2009 15:37


website shows glorious photos of space - including rotten egg nebula. enjoy.

11. 24 Jul 2009 16:37


Discovered site above seems to be promoting particular views. All I am 'promoting" is cool hubble photos I found. : )

12. 24 Jul 2009 17:55


Just checked out the website marius and the pictures are
incredibly beautiful!

13. 24 Jul 2009 19:00


Yes, they are!!

14. 25 Jul 2009 04:11


Glad you liked them - they are something. Makes me wish for "softer" colors, and see-through ones too, but think Rachel has been asked for enough right now so I'm waiting to request this. (smiling)

15. 25 Jul 2009 12:50

Robindcr8l naut%20to%20speak%20at%20commencement1/BarbaraMorganphotoforWeb.jpg

I posted this website with my pic of Barbara Morgan, but something happens when you copy and paste in that comment section, so for anyone who wanted to see the pic that I based my Candy pic on, here it is.

16. 25 Jul 2009 12:52


I guess it does the same thing in here. Just google image Barbara morgan astronaut and you'll see it. I give up. LOL

17. 25 Jul 2009 17:36


Figure this one out - my pic "Walking in Space" was removed from the showcase pages. I e-mailed Rachel and notice this pic with 10 votes is back page 4 with lower voted pics. Also, someone has low voted some of these pics.

18. 25 Jul 2009 18:06


Earlier, I did see it in the showcase, then dissapear, and sorry to say it looks as if was voted down.

It certainly deserves to be in the showcase, Kathy.

19. 27 Jul 2009 09:49


Nat. Geographic and hubble website have more photos if anyone is interesed. l

20. 27 Jul 2009 09:50


That didn't work - maybe this will. l