Think Draw Forums

1. 21 Jul 2009 09:53


... It is my belief that only a few know or understand how the new FAVORITES feature works...

... If we want it to become the new fix for the top 5 issues, we need 2 spread the word so everyone will start using it...

... everyone that will, do pictures in the gallery to draw the "non-forum readers" attention to it & explain how & why it works...

... For us old TDers... it would be like the old "forum drawings" we did b4 the forum came into being...

... I will get one out soon, but gotta leave right now... I want to see everyone get their JULY favorites in @ the very least...


2. 21 Jul 2009 11:47


Matthew - I have read all the stuff about favorites, and I don't get it. : )

Is it possible to have forum topic that is titled something like, "What is the favorites button?" Or "How the favorite button works"?

An *obnoxiously specific* explanation would help me. If someone cares to accommodate this request, thank you! I'm thinking it might go somehting like this:
1. The purpose of the favorites button is primarily to ....
2. Other purposes for the favorites button are ...
3. How to use the favorites button. (include can you remove pictures and all of that.)
4. How to pick top five for a month. (Is this a total of 30-35 pictures? Does it include new artists for the month? And how do you find all the pictures of fruit, animals, for a month - sounds like you'd have to go through some 40-60 - 120 pages of the gallery??? Yes?)
5. Why pick top five for a month.
6. What is the purpose of rating pictures as they go into your gallery of favorites? They are already rated aren't they? (I don't get this one at all.)
7. Anything else I've forgotten to ask. : )

[I pray I'm not the only one confused about this new TD feature and if I am then just skip this request. I'll catch up someday - I mean, (giggling here) I drew about 7-8 picture before I discovered purpose of "repeat" and "undo" buttons. That was a joy and a relief!]

Thanks! : )

3. 21 Jul 2009 12:43


I believe point that matthew was trying to make is that it needs to be addressed in the gallery because a vast majority on this site never read the forums
Baldur himself doesn't have the answers to the questions you bring up, I was never clear about the reasoning behind our ranking system and generally now try to ignore it.
In the olden days, PF (preus-forumus) we drew topic related pictures and discussed matters in the comment sections.

4. 21 Jul 2009 13:34


marius, to put it as simply as possible (as I understand it )
1. The purpose is to be able to find and enjoy the pictures you really like without having to remember where they were, or who did them.
2. There is speculation that they will be used in some way to help TD choose the top 5. This has not been confirmed by Rachel since the feature went up.
3. When you find a picture you like just check the favorites box. To make them go away bring the picture up again and uncheck the box.
4. You really don't have to decide which pictures should be top 5. Just pick what YOU like. (Don't maKe it hard on yourself by going through 120 pages. That's not fun.)
5. ? is the question why have top five, for why for a month? If the former, it's a way to showcase pictures so new users can see what has been done, and run the replay to see how it was done.
6. No one knows if the favorites will be used for top 5, so rating may still help your favorite pictures be selected (if you care )
7. You pretty much covered it....

5. 21 Jul 2009 14:22


I do believe that when you check the "Favorites" box you have to hit rate for it to be actually placed in your favorites. But you don't have to give a number rating at the same time if you don't wish to.

6. 21 Jul 2009 14:48


Oops, sorry...Dragon is correct.

7. 21 Jul 2009 14:51


Are all of the favorites supposed to be for the current month?

8. 21 Jul 2009 15:32


Spring, you can collect as many months of your favourites as you like. However, IF this is for a new aystem of selecting Top 5, it would help to get it off the ground if we all select 5 of each category in July, at least.

9. 21 Jul 2009 16:07


Luna - thanks very much for great reply!!!!
The mist is starting to clear, I think. : )

Re my ques #5, I meant why are WE selecting top 5 in our favorites? I was confused, still kind of am, if selecting top 5 for our favorites means that is the NEW way top 5's for the month will be selected - from our favorites, or if TD is still selecting top 5 via their usual voting system, or if we're simply being invited to list what we'd pick for top 5's. Login's reply above may have answered this question -seems we don't have the answer to my question #5.

Also - did I get this right - that we can onlyselect five of one theme (avatars, animals, fruit, etc.) per month? If so - I wish Rachael would reconsider. For example, there are probably about ten animal pics from last month that I'd want to feature in my favorites. It would bug me to no end not to be able to put them all in there. Yes, I have my own set of pecularities!

And Baldur, thanks for clarification of Matthew's intent. Think I'm still "in the mist" as I can't see how to promote something I'm still not really understanding. But - don't worry about it - I still don't understand a lot of other things and I can live with that. (tee hee hee) And, no, that is not how I laugh in 3-D life. lol

Example: still confused about how to FIND top favorites for the month. Is there a shorter way to find top fives of the month than going back in the gallery until you find where the July 1 drawings begin?

10. 21 Jul 2009 16:10


And 125 points to any who can help me clear the mist. Thanks!

11. 21 Jul 2009 17:25


Marius, as with all new things, it is a learning process! But you are not alone, as today my son showed me the Favorites!! Never noticed them!!
There are several who don't know how to even post a pic in the forum. I don't understand the process myself, but with you and others, we will get there!!

12. 21 Jul 2009 17:43


Luna, are you Dreamweaver? Dreamweaver's response in #6 seems like a continuatino of your comment in #4. That would certainly explain the professional art coming from the "newbie!" LOL

13. 21 Jul 2009 17:57


I noticed that also!! I guess Iam has company!!

14. 21 Jul 2009 19:50


marius, a lot of us are suspecting that our favorites will have a hand in choosing the top % simply because it will only allow us 5 in each theme per month. We might be wrong, that might just be how Rachel set it up.
As for promoting it, a lot of people don't check out the forums very much and might not see the new Favorites option for a while, so to promote it people will draw pictures that say 'Hooray New Favorites Options!!" or something like that so other people will get curious and go looking for it. It's just another way to get everyone on the same page.

15. 21 Jul 2009 19:51


-% +5

16. 22 Jul 2009 00:30


Marius, we can select 5 favourites in EVERY category for each month. That MAY mean we are also selecting our choices for Top 5 in the current month. This is all speculation ... but it's speculation based on comments Rachel made in May.
I hope that answers Q#5.

17. 22 Jul 2009 07:31


Okay 125 points to lilalee, Dragon and Login (and anyone else I missed). Thanks so much for your input!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now - another 100 points to anyone who can explain HOW they selected their pics. Is there a way to "select out" only pics from July, then browse that selection? If not, I'll just find page where July 1 pics begin and start from there? Yes? No?

18. 22 Jul 2009 08:36


When you view a picture look below it and you'll see a heart and a box that says Add To Favorites. Click the box then click the Rate button. Then it will be in your favorites. I'm not sure how to un-favorite them, I suspect you just click the Add To Favorites box again to remove the check mark then hit rate again but I haven't tried it.

19. 22 Jul 2009 15:52


We still can't select drawings by month so it's a bit 'trial and error', marius. It's not a bad idea to find the last July pic and then work forwards through the gallery. However, I took a different route ... selected Gallery, and each category in turn + Most Recent.
For example: Select Gallery, All Pictures, Animals, Most Recent. Start selecting the ones you like ... when you've got five animal pictures selected, carry on selecting ... choose the option to replace a drawing ... or click 'Don't change favourites' (under the selected drawings). When you've worked through the July Animal pics, change the category to the next one ... and so on.

20. 22 Jul 2009 16:07


By the way, if you select your July favourites now, and then something special crops up, you can select the new pic, tick the heart box and study it along with the five already selected ... a chance to decide if you want to replace one of the five with the new one, or leave them as they are.