Think Draw Forums
Forums - Think Draw Feedback - The Showcase is a Crapshoot!

1. 17 Jul 2009 12:28


I for one am disgusted that in a “Showcase” where we should be SHOWCASING the art made by ALL on that particular topic OR where we should be SHOWCASING our talent and perhaps our most talented artists we have the ability to vote down a drawing out of spite, ambition, boredom, or whatever else motivates these people.

I understand the system for the Top Five each month is based on these ratings but I believe the votes should only be visible to the artist them self and TD. In this way these people wouldn’t know who had a higher rating and “Who should be voted down.”

The showcase is NOT supposed to be a competition that is where the Top Five comes in. By putting the showcase in order of the Highest Rating it is a blatant invitation to these people to vote down the drawings they see as a threat. The showcase should be in chronologic order with no ratings shown AT ALL.

I think that would be a good practice for “The Gallery” too (at least until the Top Five for that month is posted), only TD and the artists themselves need to know what the rating of a particular drawing is.

I say this not because I am upset that a drawing of mine has been voted down, by the way, but because currently one of my less than stellar drawings is in the top five position while drawings that are much more deserving are not even on the front page. If that is how it is going to be, chronological is the only way.
And while I’m at it the showcase should be cleaned up, the theme this month is Mirror Images. I’ll give you a shortlist of drawings that don’t meet that criteria: girl walking through a meadow, Orchids In My Garden, Think Draw, snowflake, SqUaReS, 86, 87, 91. These are all very worthy drawings by Great artists to be sure but they have nothing to do with Mirror Images.

To the artists whose work I’ve mentioned, please don’t feel that I am saying your work is in any way bad or wrong or ugly or not well executed, it simply doesn’t belong in this category.

2. 17 Jul 2009 13:42


Well said, but alas, this is a beat horse...

3. 17 Jul 2009 19:08


Yes well I hate it!

I don't care about the Top Five, I don't care about the ratings system as it seems to be unchanging.

I like putting my work in the showcases but every time I have a piece that is obviously inferior placed higher in the showcase than some other more worthy piece because somebody got stupid it makes ME feel like a fraud.

I shouldn't have to feel apologetic and regretful that my work didn't get voted down too and so now has a front page spot. The manipulation that is going on in the ratings is not just aimed at the competition but at the people, all of us, who work hard on our art whether it is a masterpiece or a complete joke.

4. 17 Jul 2009 19:21


Yep... It's sad./.

5. 17 Jul 2009 20:43


Oh please,help me some more matthew!

6. 17 Jul 2009 22:52


lol... sorry... I have just completely run out of words on this subject... Try being the one vote poster boy & u would understand...

7. 18 Jul 2009 06:59


Yes but remember, I've been accused of being you too so...

Hey, how come you to have time to comment here but not on my drawings???

8. 18 Jul 2009 09:36


I tried begging for at least the option to sort the Showcase by most recent and I've pretty much given up. It seems to be falling on deaf ears.
I know Rachel's job here is a difficult one and as the old saying goes 'You can't please all of the people all of the time' but I do think making the votes unknown would solve a lot of problems. We simply wouldn't be able to see this months pic's in the "Highest Rated" or "Most Rated" galleries until the Top 5 for that month is chosen.
(I'm also with you solo on not voting. I haven't voted in quite some time and I still feel liberated by it. If that means others don't vote for my stuff I'm fine with that as I don't even check my votes and find a comment so much more worthwhile)

9. 18 Jul 2009 11:38


Solo, I dont comment or surf the pics much any more... When I do comment, its 2 or 3 words

10. 20 Jul 2009 14:53


On July 11 I posted the following. I don't know if you read it or not. It's not right, for sure. I agree 100%.

Sorry I have to bring this up, it should have to be.

Question: Did someone do something in someones cheerios that this someone swept through the showcase showering "low-votes". That's a low and nasty thing to do. I'm sure all affected agree. Of course the higher count pics weren't affected.

11. 21 Jul 2009 00:10


I don't understand the question, km. Which higher counted pics weren't affected?

12. 21 Jul 2009 05:28


That should not have been part of that paragraph. Only the lower rated pictures were struck. Which is still a nasty thing to do. All of the higher rated pictures in that showcase line at the time I looked were not affected.

It's nasty at any time and yes, the more we complain the more it's done. I think we call it "venting" since nothing is, or, can be done about it.

13. 21 Jul 2009 06:27


Not sure when you looked, but my cat picture got two low votes within seconds of being posted.

14. 21 Jul 2009 07:23


I have a strong feeling that the voting system for Top 5 is going to change in the next few weeks. Have you played around with the new 'favourites' feature? I'm convinced it's leading up to a new system ... read what Rachel said on the subject in May: "Finally, the next feature should be the ability to add favourite pictures to a personal gallery and/or subscribe to follow other artists contributions. Again, in time this could be incorporated into the Top 5 system to improve the choice."

Maybe if we all use it enough, it will become the new Top 5 selector. Just incase, I'm using it a lot ... getting my favourites in for July at least. Yes, I'm the eternal optimist!

15. 21 Jul 2009 07:46


That would be great!