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Forums - Think Draw Feedback - What if...

1. 24 May 2009 05:47


What if we had a perfect world and in it we could please every single person in it?

What if there was no hatefulness, no maliciousness. No jealously.....ect.

What if we there was just one type of vote and it was to be in the top 5. A simple yes.

What if no one could "unvote" it.

What if the drawings with the most yeses gets in the top 5.

2. 24 May 2009 05:47


what if we could chat with each other while on TD.

3. 24 May 2009 05:55


What if I could learn to shade on TD and make really awesome pictures.

What if my teenagers listened.....

4. 24 May 2009 06:06


oh, perfect world..

..but then, teenagers just wouldn't be teenagers, would they - do the dogs listen, at least ? maybe you could trade the kids in for more dogs ?

as for TD.. well, it's open to everyone, including teenagers that don't listen !

5. 24 May 2009 07:25


pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff!! (nodding at #2, but by #3 and 4 --spluttering tea all over my keyboard and needing half a box of kleenex immediately!)

6. 24 May 2009 07:39


What if there was one only as box to check top 5 worthy?
and the most yes is first the second most is second anfd so on?

7. 24 May 2009 07:40


What if i learned to proof read

8. 24 May 2009 08:19


lol at mebu27

9. 24 May 2009 09:35


What if Baldur wore clothes to walk outside to get the newspaper???

10. 24 May 2009 12:06


matthew it seems that there is never any traffic on my street between 7 and 7:15 AM

11. 24 May 2009 12:07


besides which I am only visible to three other houses when I make that little walk, it's not like EVERYBODY would see me.

12. 24 May 2009 12:22


lmao...i havent read the forums in a while, glad i wandered in here to check it out

13. 24 May 2009 13:02


What if there was a world outside Thinkdraw.......

14. 24 May 2009 16:16


That's just crazy talk IamAnnoymous!!!

15. 7 Jun 2009 02:55


what if there's never any traffic between 7:00 and 7:15 BECAUSE you walk out naked? ;0)