Think Draw Forums
Forums - Think Draw Feedback - Realtime clock

1. 23 May 2009 05:23


I was wondering if it would be possible to have a realtime date and time stamp on the thinkdraw header up the top so that you know what time it is in thinkdraw land all the time?

Living in Australia I struggle to work out the time difference and try and guage it off forum posts, to see what time it is. But it would be handy to be able to see a realtime clock of TD land time!

2. 23 May 2009 05:46


Mmm ... I know what you mean, Raych. Hopefully we are going to get a new scoring system on 1st June. If that works out OK, maybe this could be our next big request.

3. 23 May 2009 05:48


Hiya Raych..
if you click on 'Forum' and then look right down at the bottom, it tells you 'Think Draw Time' - which, I think, is EST US. You'd better get used to it, 'cause that is what it all works on, regardless of your local time !

4. 23 May 2009 05:50


whoops, sorry.. didn't read your posting properly.. I totally agree that having something up in the top panel at all times would be great !

5. 23 May 2009 07:12


Thanks marg, I didn't know that was there. How far ahead of TD land are you, Raych.

6. 23 May 2009 07:31


.. I'd guesstimate about 14 hours .. and that Raych should be in bed right now !

7. 23 May 2009 07:40


I've just checked it out and you're right, marg.

8. 23 May 2009 14:15


I was in bed when you guys replied! It is 8.14am now here