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Forums - Think Draw Feedback - Answers to Rachel's Theme changes

21. 11 May 2009 08:43


The three things I find myself struggling the hardest to obtain--

warmer blues

a true white that can equal the page background

a gentler blend of pinks with a gold- tan (vs blue-gray) under-tone for flesh (portraits will ALWAYS be subjects of interest to us)

22. 11 May 2009 13:53


I would like lines going in lots of directions, both straight and curved. Black or dark brown would be nice. Transparent or translucent colors would be lovely also.

23. 11 May 2009 14:07


I have had desires for these things too. though I find portraits very frustrating with this media, I am a charcoal or pencil sketcher at the foundation. putting puzzle pieces together to make something is really quite a challenge to my methodology. lines yes! transparent colors would be interesting but is it possible? I found a color on one of the palettes the other day that seemed to pick up a bit of the piece it was over. i don't know if that was pixel related or not. never seen it before. some of the sketch programs have a blending feature to soften lines and convergences to paler shades

24. 11 May 2009 15:31


I too use charcoals, pastels and colored pencils; I find it very difficult to do "serious" work on TD as there is no blending. ITRW things blend.

25. 7 Jun 2009 03:02


how about "simply" (don't know how easy or simple actual implementation would be) adding a rotation button for turning each piece 8 directions?
I've been stumped on MANY of my pictures where a piece works well going one direction but not being able to find a similar piece going in the other.
What I mean is basically like the leaves in Flowers. While there each direction is a different selection, and it's easy to work curves etc.....

A button added to the plus/minus for size where you can rotate each piece.....oooooh, the new possibilities!!!

I don't know if anyone can understand what I mean, it's so clear in my mind but I can't seem to put it into the right words LOL

26. 7 Jun 2009 03:32


Wow! Thank you for the new palette, TD. It's got a lot of what has been asked for here. This is so much fun ... I will thank you forever.

27. 7 Jun 2009 04:48


YEA!! Yes thank-YOU for the new palette...!!!