Think Draw Forums
Forums - Think Draw Feedback - One trouble with not voting

1. 6 May 2009 22:44


I worry that some don’t understand the not voting.

I'm not sure but I don't believe the forum is translated into other languages; we have folks from all over the globe that may be feeling very slighted at getting no votes.

Can we have some people volunteer to translate into some other languages our goal in not voting?

I know many of our artists speak English as a second language but even they seem to be having a hard time really understanding our goal in written English.

Some of you may speak more than one or two languages and could get the word out to those you know on the site or start a post here in the forum in that/those language(s).

Or am I completely wrong and the forum is translated; seems unlikely.

2. 7 May 2009 00:16


The messege is beginning to get to other nations. Raych has notified Australia!!!

3. 7 May 2009 00:29


Meaning not a single shred of disrespect, but I do hope you'll take the time to read the thread Luna just started in Community --"just a thought on competition".

It's only 2 pages so far (including an accidental posting meant for the ThinkWrite thread!), but has a wealth of worthy thoughts in it... not a single mean, mad, victimized or hysterical one among 'em.


4. 7 May 2009 00:32


(well ok, the misposting is probably mean mad etc.. but hey, it's fiction!)

...and the thread beginning on page 1 is

5. 7 May 2009 06:17


Guys, I think it's fine that people want to band together and not vote. But now it's as if people are being brow beaten into not voting. It should be their choice.

6. 7 May 2009 06:25


Sorry LadyO, I am not trying to browbeat, well maybe I am. I just don't know when all have gotten the word & reason to stop!

7. 7 May 2009 06:31


LadyO, I agree. It should be our choice.
Qsilv, thanks for the link to my thread.

8. 7 May 2009 06:33


It's my choice, and I'm happy with it!

9. 7 May 2009 06:35


I didn't mean you, LS, I meant the overall tone of the board. I feel a little bit for the newbies and the little kids.

It's a dandy idea in theory. I mean, hey, I survived college in the early 70s when protest and sitins were the norm. But I think we should be careful to let people they know they have a choice.

We could scare off some kids or newbies who don't have a clue to the back story.

The system really isn't all that bad, consdiering. I think a lot of it could be eliminated by simply hiding the votes until it's all over.

The one problem I'm having is this -- I don't have time to leave very many comments (I am supposed to be working as we speak!), but I can vote quickly, and I always thought as my little vote as a "welcome," or "good attempt" when I don't have time to write the words.

Keep up the good fight, tho!

10. 7 May 2009 06:37


wish we could edit our comments! I am a lousy typer, mildly dyslexic, have bad eyesight, and, well, I'm reading my last comment and gasping!

11. 7 May 2009 10:42


LadyO, I've had the same concerns as to newbies and kids and obviously people who don't read English, which is why I posted this thread.

Your suggestion that the votes be hidden is a fine one but that is in Rachel’s hands; in the meantime the only thing we as artists can do is come together unitedly in some way to let her know we want the issue addressed.

As for commenting on every drawing you like, perhaps we could all agree that a simple sign in as a comment is a "vote" of "I like your work.” What I mean to say is that I open a pic of yours that I like and simply type in my name and submit and you know I like it, if I’ve more time or want to leave a more detailed message then I can do that instead, either way you know I saw it and liked it.

And certainly people have the right to vote or not but the issue I'm addressing is that for those who don't know or care about just how broke the voting system is, the don't think we all hate their work.

12. 7 May 2009 10:45


polenta has agreed to translate a message into Spanish but would like one of us to write it up for her so she gets the correct message out, I’ll do that and post it here. lynnspotter would you like to go over it and make some suggestions corrections if needed since this is your baby?

13. 7 May 2009 11:06


Hello Everyone,

Some of you may have noticed there has been a lack of voting lately; the reason is that after much consideration a majority of us (those of us who use the forum) have come to an agreement to stop voting on any work at all for a while.

We are trying to send a message to the person who runs the Think Draw website that we want a new voting system, the one in place now is easily manipulated, and has been abused to the point it no longer works; it is broken.

It has caused quite a bit of ill feelings toward the website and individual artists and some really talented and much loved artists on the site have even chosen to leave Think Draw because of this issue.

If you have noticed a drop in your ratings please do not be discouraged, it’s not a commentary on your work but one on the system itself. We are still commenting as we all enjoy the feedback and encouragement those comments give us.

We would like you to join us in not voting as well. If you want to comment but feel uncomfortable doing it in English please just submit a message with your login name only we will under stand this to mean you like our work.

Thank you for your understanding and help.

14. 7 May 2009 11:56


I think as a lot of us don't have the time to leave lengthy comments on each pic we like we could, as I said above just leave our "calling card" or alternatively so many asterisks (*****).

15. 7 May 2009 11:58


Looks good to me! If translators can shorten & still get message across, feel free to do so. Qsilv does this sound good to you? You say things in a very balanced way.

16. 7 May 2009 11:59


I've updated:

Hello Everyone,

Some of you may have noticed there has been a lack of voting lately; the reason is that after much consideration a majority of us (those of us who use the forum) have come to an agreement to stop voting on any work at all for a while.

We are trying to send a message to the person who runs the Think Draw website that we want a new voting system, the one in place now is easily manipulated, and has been abused to the point it no longer works; it is broken.

It has caused quite a bit of ill feelings toward the website and individual artists and some really talented and much loved artists on the site have even chosen to leave Think Draw because of this issue.

If you have noticed a drop in your ratings please do not be discouraged, it’s not a commentary on your work but one on the system itself. We are still commenting as we all enjoy the feedback and encouragement those comments give us.

We would like you to join us in not voting as well. If you want to comment but feel uncomfortable doing it in English please just submit a message with your login name only or alternately so many asterisks (*****), we will under stand this to mean you like our work.

Thank you for your understanding and help.

17. 7 May 2009 12:01


Thanks for getting back so soon, I've an appointment in 30 minutes and have to get off of here real soon; I'll be back in a few hours but would like to get this started.

18. 7 May 2009 12:07


I think they could do a drawing directing to a post on the forum in their language; then if there was questions or comments they could hash things out there.

I think they’d like that anyway, we might see a bunch of foreign language threads start up; do you suppose they’ll be cussing at each other or about us?

19. 7 May 2009 12:08


I'm out for now; I'll check in in a while and go from there.

20. 7 May 2009 14:21


I'm going for it!