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Forums - Community - These dreams...

1. 5 May 2009 11:39


I just had to comment, last night (apparently while the acid was really flying on this site) I had a dream that 8 or 10 of us ThinkDraw regulars had rented a cottage somewhere for a group vacation and at some point we all went out for coffee at an incredibly busy coffee house. We were all crowded around a tiny table meant for 2 people and I'm pretty sure we were irritating everyone else in the coffee house, but we were having a fantastic time.
I just had to tell you guys, cause nobody in my non-TD life would really care and I thought it was funny how much TD gets into your life.

2. 5 May 2009 11:41


I have dreams where I'm trying to make pictures out of the pieces!

Have any of you gotten together for a real life meet and greet? I have with several of my messageboards, and it was great fun.

3. 5 May 2009 11:52


I've never actually met anyone from the site, but I think it would fun.

4. 5 May 2009 12:15


Wow, these dreams are wonderful, it hasn't happened to me yet that I can remember but I usually don't sleep well enough to even be aware that I did dream. When I first started cross-stitching I dreamt about it. With other groups I've been in I have only met one person. That person, in her 40-s, was nothing like she seemed on-line, well somewhat. You know how a 3 year old asks questions non-stop and most of them don't have concrete thinking behind them, well this was how this girl talks and she talks non-stop in an extremely loud voice. We met because she lived a few towns over and she needed money and I needed help cleaning my house. I was so tired after being with her I didn't have her clean my house again. Then another time I met this lady on-line that was going to school to become a Christian counselor. We never met but we have been friends for probably 5 years now talking by way of e-mail. She is the one that has helped me so much by giving me a good reading list that I'm still going through. I hope my friend and I do met some day since we have gotten very close.

5. 5 May 2009 13:54


I haven't had a TD dream yet but Tetris really screws with my head!

6. 5 May 2009 13:57


I'm totally addicted to FarmTown on Facebook right now, so I'm surprised i wasn't dreaming about plowing fields or planting potatoes or something.

7. 5 May 2009 14:12


I'm not familiar, lots of patterns?

8. 5 May 2009 14:22


It's this game where you have a farm and you have to plant crops and wait for them to grow then harvest them and sell them. The more you do the more points you get and as your level increases you can send your freinds on FarmTown trees and stuff for their farm. You can also hire other people on FarmTown to harvest your fields or get them to hire you and make more coins that way so you can plant more and the cycle continues...

9. 5 May 2009 14:33


It's disturbingly addictive, and you find yourself thinking at random times "I wonder if my Grapes are ready yet?"

10. 5 May 2009 15:25


I've had dreams about drawing on ThinkDraw. It's a whole lot easier drawing in my dreams...things come out the way I want them to...

11. 5 May 2009 16:15


Midnight..., you are having some pretty good dreams. I've had vivid dreams about blooming tree lined streets and walking into a nice antique store full of beautiful things and color.

12. 5 May 2009 17:01


I had this nightmare where I created this absolutely gorgeous image and then when I clicked the submit button, nothing happened and I lost the entire image and hours of work.

Oh wait.

That really happened.

13. 5 May 2009 18:12


Dragon I feel for you, I played Sims way back when and walked a way for a few minutes and one of my guys starved to death!

I promise there won't be a blight and when its time your grapes will be fine.

You are growing organic right, and your fertilizer is organic too, yes? Do you compost? Don’t go puttin’ no meat in the compost, it’s not kosher & I mean that figuratively but its still not good.

Hey you probably won’t kill anyone gardening or farming as the case may be.

But no one would question the digging of a pit...

14. 5 May 2009 18:28


Not more sour grapes!! When will it end???

15. 6 May 2009 09:19


No more sour grapes! NO MORE VOTING! I will carry this torch to the ends of the TD earth! WE ARE FREE!!!

16. 6 May 2009 09:34


Sounds wonderful to me Lynn....

17. 6 May 2009 10:10


No solo, no meat in the compost. In fact as far as I can tell, no compost! You can get farm animals on Farm Town, but as far as I can tell you can't eat them. So it would seem my Farm Town avatar is a Vegan or perhaps a Buddist. (I'm voting Buddist, they always seem so nice)

18. 6 May 2009 12:28


NO COMPOSTING??? You need to talk to someone about this! Composting is very important to farming, the soil, the produce...

Someone made a game about farming & didn't allow for composting, I'm Shocked!

I'm going to go shake my head over this while I pray for thier teeny tiny brains;-) Those poor souls.

19. 6 May 2009 12:41


You'd better have a very stern talking to the Facebook people and set them straight. Also ask them if we can eat the cows. Mmmmm heifer!

20. 6 May 2009 12:42


(Dragon's don't make good Vegans)