Think Draw Forums
Forums - Think Draw Feedback - Anonymous Option

1. 2 May 2009 10:33


When we go to summit our drawing I wish we had an anonymous option button so we could hide who were were if we wished to. I don't know if this would be possible to program/code this as an option or not.

2. 2 May 2009 10:39


I've thought of this, DM.. but I think it would be quite hard.

For example, you couldn't have the picture showing in your gallery, and you shouldn't be allowed to add a comment (maybe ?) - so having an 'anonymous' user is probably the best way for the time being.

3. 2 May 2009 10:45


Thanks Marg, you may be right. The picture might still be able to go to the gallery just have no name attached to it but it might be hard to lock one out of commenting on their own drawing's responses which would probably be necessary for it to work. Rachel could tell us if it was possible or if she wanted to even consider it at all. Having the anonymous user that all can use has it's many flaws but it could be a telling way to see who is interested in this option.

4. 2 May 2009 18:47


I'm not so sure - I really like the idea, but I wouldn't do anything ambitious with that user - you never know who else might log in and maybe delete or overwrite your picture !

5. 2 May 2009 19:07


That's why I said it has it's flaws. If Rachel likes it and wants to keep it she could always change that one so it wouldn't have these flaws. I think it can be done but I'm not sure if she uses a script that run on all or if she can change the code on one and not the others.

6. 4 May 2009 08:47


The only thing is, we can all pretty much tell whose work it is ... after a while, you get to recognize the various styles.

7. 4 May 2009 10:19


LadyO: Actually it forces one to change their style, it helped me get out of my box. I can't tell everyone's work, only a few that tend to have some drawings done in the same way somehow. I can think of the many ways people do faces so I can tell those people pretty well. Some do fancy patterns that I have come to know. But other than things like these I can't tell.

8. 4 May 2009 12:39


Sorry I haven't read this whole thread but it seems to me if a person is voting down or causing trouble otherwise for people he/she would still know it wasn't his/hers work so unless it's directed at an individual, and I know it sometimes is, how does this help?

Again, if this is completely irrelivant, please disregard.

9. 4 May 2009 12:44


I see your point but many times it is directed at a certain person I think. I think too that the voting would reflect a more honest reflection because personality and friendship would not enter into it so strongly.