Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - New Characters For TD

1. 2 May 2009 09:51


Now they have had their intro I will be doing them only now and then because they are a lot of work. Hope you all give me ideas for the story and that you make characters to add to this world of cartoons.

2. 2 May 2009 16:49


they look strong, DM... I'll think about it a bit, but don't fret if it lies fallow for a while, 'k?

3. 2 May 2009 17:05


I don't know if anyone will be interested enough that anything could come of them; they could go off in a good direction or they could just go nowhere.

4. 4 May 2009 16:09


I'm questioning if having these characters around is at all a good thing. So, I'm not going to do anything with them, they will still be there on my account if there ever seems a right time for them but I know now isn't it. I will just leave it at that, I have my reasons, there just is too many things going on. I wish I could draw and save in a private folder and still use my drawings on my site. We are a wish factory right now, this too is a sign that many things need to be worked out before anything else.