Think Draw Forums
Forums - Think Draw Feedback - Will it ever happen (Better Save Draft)

1. 30 Apr 2009 11:59


Its the third time for me to lose a draft because of either accidentally pushing another button or losing internet...

I don't use save draft for my really simple pictures, so I understand losing them. However the ones that break my heart to lose are the ones that take precision and time... Those special pictures you have gotten just right but because of length have the most chance of being lost. -_- I don't mind spending days on a picture if I think it is coming along nicely but to suddenly lose my work because of clicking the wrong button, losing internet... or something a long those lines drives me nuts.

If it happens again I know I for one will only do simple things and thus bring down my own quality of art on think draw.

I have seen this complaint before on other forums but thought there needed to be a thread just for this purpose =/

I know others have had similar issues.

Since it was so easily changed from the past, with that one little snippet of code, could we just have the old one back?

I just don't want this to happen again....

2. 30 Apr 2009 12:29


... I have already added my own begging for the old one back, but I am more than happy to grovel more...

... The main issue is... once it it loaded, it is no longer in a saved file... So once loaded, if we loose connectioin, the pic is lost forever...

... The current way it is, it is not a "save" it is a temporary "stored"...

... I want my "save" back

3. 30 Apr 2009 12:31


I second this. I have lost so many that I am learning to do them with fewer pieces but sometimes my drawing really suffer by my not wanting to take the chance by adding more pieces.

4. 30 Apr 2009 12:42


I halfway done with a really piece intensive book cover of Atlas Shrugged when my cat stepped on the power strip. Totally gone. Didn't have the motivation to start it all over again.

Having a reliable save would be helpful.

5. 30 Apr 2009 12:45


Every drawing I do I cut short in fear if I add more piece I will lose it. So sorry for anyone's lost pic's. So sorry for your lost pic(s) Miss Dagny. I sure have had my share of lost drawings. I lost more than I get to submit in fact.

6. 1 May 2009 08:21


There's nothing like spending over 6 hours on a drawing then poof! it's gone!

7. 5 May 2009 17:41


I spend all day on one about a week ago. I wouldn't be surprised if I too put in 6 hours or more on that drawing. Than I re-did it with much less pieces in probably about an hour but it in no way looked like the first. Every since the "bug" was fixed, things haven't worked. Maybe to fix it the "bug" would be back and they already stated they don't want that. There probably is a way but they don't know what it is yet. I think we'd all feel better if we had more feedback updates so we knew things were still being looked into. It wouldn't be promising a fix just that they are try to find one.

8. 5 May 2009 18:09


wow, I don't think i've ever spent more than an hour on a pic. I agree that something needs to be done, or at least an update from the TD team on the progress of what's being done.

9. 5 May 2009 18:13


All your AMAZING pics ARW... and never more than an hour? You totally rock!

10. 5 May 2009 18:20


I rush mone for that reason ... and it shows.

11. 5 May 2009 18:22


Or She Lies!

Not trying to start a fight, just really impressed.

12. 5 May 2009 18:23


That was aimed at awr65, btw.

13. 5 May 2009 19:14


lol... solosater, i totally get your humor. I often spend alot of time before pressing the clear button, but the ones i submit usually have been thought out enough that they don't take to long to create

14. 5 May 2009 19:22


Yeah, I get that, ITRW I make jewelry and that's how I work. I know before I start what I want and how to get there; drives my beading buddy crazy!

15. 5 May 2009 20:13


Ooh that's a cool profession. I'd love to get into something artsy in the real world

16. 6 May 2009 09:16


I have just done a VERY liberating thing! I am calling for "NO MORE VOTING". Comment away, but DON'T VOTE!!