Think Draw Forums
Forums - Think Draw Feedback - Rotate pieces

1. 26 Jan 2009 08:00


I don't know if anyone else has suggested this, but it would be really useful to be able to rotate individual pieces, as sometimes the right colour or shade is on the wrong side for the image you're trying to draw.

As always, the question is; 'Would this feature spoil the intellectual challenge of trying to find a solution with such a limited pallette?'.

2. 26 Jan 2009 08:27


Sorry everyone, I've just found this suggestion in the Newbie questions forum by Qsilv.

3. 5 Feb 2010 14:44


I tried to submit a topic just like this one but I dont see where it showed up in the forum not sure I did it right.....but anyway.

I was also wondering if TD could arange it so that we could rotate the individual pieces! For shading purposes and whatnot.

If anyone else is interested please comment! Oh yea I couldnt find Q's post!

4. 5 Feb 2010 14:51


I have ben asking for this for almost a year!! Yes, it would be great to have this!!

5. 5 Feb 2010 15:22


I think being able to rotate the pieces would take the think out of think draw.

6. 5 Feb 2010 16:17


I don't think so. When I paint I turn my brush to get different effects, so it would just be nice to turn those pieces, to get the effect I would like to achieve!! Guess I don't want to think here!!

7. 5 Feb 2010 16:28


That would take the THINK out and make it just DRAW... When you paint with a brush, do you call it THINK PAINT? I bet you would if you couldn't rotate or tilt your brush and could only draw with 8 unmixable colors...

8. 5 Feb 2010 16:35


I don't need to be able to rotate the pieces but I really wish we had one smaller size choice for them.

9. 5 Feb 2010 16:38


Well, we draw with a pencil, crayons, etc. and sometime it just flows, with out even a thought. On TD, you do have to think as it's more a puzzle type draw site.
Matthew, when I paint, I am at my happiest!! When I am here, it is frustrating for me, as it's not as easy as it looks.

10. 5 Feb 2010 17:10


I have to agree that it's often rather frustrating.... BUT... it's soooo interesting that it always seems worth that price.

And there's one more aspect worth bringing up: a year+ of this delimited collaging really has forced me to think so differently that it has affected how I approach "real" painting --and definitely for the better.

I'm quite grateful. ;>

11. 6 Feb 2010 11:43


Q, please tell us more. In what way has your approach to 'real' painting changed?

As I haven't painted for three decades (and I never did master it to any degree), I can't make a comparison for myself. However, I know that I approach TD 'painting' much differently than I did a year+ ago but I can't work out exactly what it is that's different.

12. 6 Feb 2010 11:48


LOL stop asking for things, what we have already is overwhelming the Server.

13. 18 Feb 2010 16:02


I love thinkdraw...either way would be great..but I wish there we could write to each other while online.

14. 19 Feb 2010 08:23


You mean CHAT? That would be great......or at least know who is online and be able to communicate... FABULOUS