Think Draw Forums

21. 3 May 2009 18:39


Km,I feel so bad for you, as I lose work every time I draw. I wondered where you were today, as I wanted to ask you something. My mood goes up and down here. I feel some people are just plain rude and nosy. I guess some are here to play mind games, and what I do is my business. I'm po'd too. Lets go get a drink!!

22. 3 May 2009 18:51


Let's do it! I'm not mad about loosing work lilalee. It's something else. I'm am so upset, I just starting typing on the first forum site.

23. 3 May 2009 18:57


Well, someone went to one of my pics and asked me some questions, I thought were out of place. Stupid me answered them, now I'm po'd at me!

24. 3 May 2009 19:00


Why? I know our conversation got lengthy and perhaps you didn't want to go into things. Please, I know how you feel lilalee. I've learned on this site, unless you're somebody, you say nothing, don't make waves. If you're somebody if you have a problem it gets fixed. And, whatever, watch what you say because it will be addressed on the forum! Don't question, trust me.

25. 3 May 2009 19:01


lilalee, you can e-mail me my address is in my profile if you want.

26. 3 May 2009 19:13


ok, did it!