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Forums - Think Draw Feedback - where is this picture?

1. 8 Apr 2009 17:58


it was a gorgeous drawing in memory of a missed pet, accompanied by the poem; "If tears could build a stairway, And memories a lane, I'd would walk right up to heaven, and bring you home again." I have been looking for it for ages and haven;t been able to track it down. If anyone remembers who drew it, i would love to take a look at it again, i remember it was a very cleverly drawn picture.

2. 8 Apr 2009 18:57


I think you might ask Luna. The picture I'm thinking of that it referred to is gone has been removed. She might have it. I'm almost positive it was hers. If it wasn't, I'm sure she'll be able to tell you who it was.

3. 9 Apr 2009 06:26


Hi marcella,
km was correct, it was mine and has been deleted. Here is a link to the photo I did it from: 1st picture on the 3rd row. Thank you both for remembering!

4. 9 Apr 2009 06:27


oops, here's the link:
(wandering off in search of more coffee)

5. 9 Apr 2009 15:15


oh luna, that was a beautiful picture, and a beautiful dog, in the back of my mind i thought it might have been you but i wasn't 100% sure...thank you KM for helping too. The reason i was looking for the picture was because we recenetly got a german shepherd puppy and i wanted to draw a picture of him, then i had rembered someone had already drawn one! yours was magnificent!

6. 9 Apr 2009 15:27


marcella, if you go to the bottom of the page on the link I put in the reply and click on Luna (the real Luna there is a page of mostly puppy pictures.