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Forums - Community - Who's work do you keep an eye on?

1. 30 Mar 2009 18:03


I'd say off the top of my head KM and Matthew's but I have a new one, Kyung's work: ;Filter=Go

2. 30 Mar 2009 18:04


I'll try that again: ;;Filter=Go

3. 30 Mar 2009 18:05


Try again: ;;Filter=Go

4. 30 Mar 2009 18:08


Just do a search for Kyung. I don't know why I can't get the link to work.

5. 30 Mar 2009 18:24


I'm reading your post DMarcella, I am deeply flattered. Thank you for the nice compliment!

6. 30 Mar 2009 18:26


I forgot to post my eye!

7. 30 Mar 2009 19:55


Luna too, I love everything she does. There are so many I keep an watch on. Oh, Five too.

8. 30 Mar 2009 20:01


Qsilv, KMKagle,DMarcella, Matthew, puzzler, likemee, Grahame, Ron, Baldur, MugDots2, lynnspotter, Login, pollyesther, mostblessedone, gwinnyb, autumn, Arw65, .....pant, deep breath,.....and many many more. There are a lot of talented new people that I havent even listed.

9. 30 Mar 2009 20:56


here's kyung's i hope this works

10. 30 Mar 2009 21:33


Thanks Arw65, the link worked. I didn't list all of mine because I'm just not good remembering all these names.

11. 30 Mar 2009 22:32


--current checklist--
1020, anotherronism, arty, Arw65, Autumn, Baldur, DMarcella, Dmarla,
Dragon, faithfool, five, froufrou_fox, gwinnyb, karbs, kmkagle, KStanley, lilalee, lilmiss, lizmeister, Login, Luna, lynnspotter, marg, matthew, mebu27, Mekeys, MugDots2, nancylee, Nina, polenta, pollyesther, sheftali52, tiki244, westhawk959...

--newest blips on my radar--
kyung, mylittlelady, orriginal, shepcity

--and of course I keep glancing around hopefully for the ghosts of--
grahame, hdwildmustang, likemee, Palmasbob, puzzler, Raina, Soda, Tim42...

Honestly, there are almost as many again, not on my list, whose work I'm just delighted to look at as it pops up in the current Showcase or if I'm cruising the main Gallery or following amusing/intriguing comments by them.

12. 31 Mar 2009 03:22

Heather e1

Some of these people I haven't herd of before. I'm going to take a look at their work. Any ways, another person is (another) Marcella

13. 31 Mar 2009 07:10


Love Qsilv's list... Lets see if I can add to it...

... Candr, tiki244, sootyunicorn, cutegrl289, iera, jmdx3mom, 1801, yahoo, rwrightc98, scrivener, pinkiepie, qwer, qsilv, suspiria202, strawdoll, robindcr8l & pebbles

14. 31 Mar 2009 07:22


Yah, my list looks alot like Qsilv's as well, and she is on my list too.

15. 31 Mar 2009 12:35


You all keep adding artists! Then MY list will be complete!

16. 31 Mar 2009 14:55


i think i keep an eye on everyones work-they're all great!

17. 31 Mar 2009 17:51


I have favorites that I tend to be drawn to by their artistic style, but I will admnit that I love looking at everyones.
No matter the simplicity or complexity I admire the stlyes that are achived with such limited medium.
Every picture tells a tale of that person. I am intriged by looking through a person's gallery after being drawn to one of their pictures. Their galleries really do speak volumes, giving us all a glimps inside their hearts and minds.

18. 31 Mar 2009 20:53


Yikes! In alphabetizing I left out one of my new faves - Kugusch
(hmmm, wonder who else I'll find after I hit Post...)

I'd like to add a resounding yes to what KStanley just said--
and both offering and responding to those "glimpses inside* winds up being such a generous gift!

People here are, by and large, at their joyous best. A few get cranky now and then, and there are some children running a bit wild undercover of their supposed anonymity, but hey, along with the losses and gains, that's part of real life.

I'm lovin' it. ;>

19. 1 Apr 2009 13:59


I like to follow Kugush too, and Luna, lynnspotter, Baldur, matthew, Qsilv and robindcrdl (not sure I spelled them all right.)
Those are just the one's that come to the top of my mind. There are probably lots of my favorites I've missed.

20. 1 Apr 2009 17:00


aww, how nice *blush*

Here's a most definitely incomplete list of people I look out for or even if I don't, their work jumps out at me:
I KNOW I'm missing a bunch, but it's 3 am again...I'm always on here when sane people sleep LOL.