Think Draw Forums
Forums - Think Draw Feedback - Subscribe Button?

1. 25 Mar 2009 11:05


Would it ever be possible to get a button where we could subscribe to another artist's work? You know, one that would update us whenever that artist has a new picture. That sort of thing would be invaluable.

And if this has already been addressed (or *is* a feature) and I missed it, I apologize. Just point me in the right direction....

Thanks in advance for the consideration!

2. 25 Mar 2009 12:13


Great idea!!

3. 25 Mar 2009 13:05


Yes! I like the idea, too. Thanks, Faithfool.

4. 25 Mar 2009 13:25


Thanks everyone! I got the idea from being able to subscribe to the blogs you are following. Hopefully this will be possible and we all won't have to take up 2 pages of Favorites.