Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Our Favorite Pics

1. 7 Oct 2013 17:37


Use this topic to display some of your favorite pics/artists that aren't well known- Undiscovered Gems! Maybe a new person, or a beautiful picture not in Top 5!

2. 7 Oct 2013 17:41


Let's all look at the new artist bugoy1. I think he's a great new artist with potential spilling out of his ears! I found my favorites by him:
and which made Top 5 for new artists

3. 7 Oct 2013 18:04


Wow! Thank you InTheOcean! I'm flattered. You are very kind.

I'm still overwhelmed at how much great Art you have all created. I wouldn't even know where to start when it comes to favorites.

I am glad that there is a playback button. I've learned so much from so many of you from just watching what you do.

4. 8 Oct 2013 01:07


there is already a topic in the forum, "surf saver" where every month I make an update about the new artists... you can see many new gems there

anyway we could use this topic for enlight some artist or picture which has been underestimated!

I.e. I noticed that Qsilv, who was very active the last few years, recently draw less, but she anyway makes beautiful and interesting pics. May be the new TDers could have missed her art, I see few votes and favs recently, and it's a pity. She's one of my fav TDers.

her gallery: