Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Mudot Challenge 93 - History in Places

1. 5 Mar 2012 07:59


Either a favorite time and place of yours, or one you believe you lived in before. (For non-reincarnationists: All views happily tolerated, as long as you don't need to convince others that YOURS is the only acceptable one.)
Attracted to ancient Eygpt? Greece? Rome? China? Persia?
Lives as a shepherd? monk? sailor? warrior?
I hope others are more inspired than I have been lately! You have until April Fool's Day.

2. 6 Mar 2012 13:08


Inspiration has been eluding me, too ... but I want to have a go at this challenge. Thanks for giving us until 1st April, Normal.

3. 6 Mar 2012 14:37


Love the idea!
for now, here an old pic that fits exactly the challenge!

4. 7 Mar 2012 12:56


Perfect, Clo! That's exactly what I mean. And it's always fun to look at earlier efforts.

5. 7 Mar 2012 14:05


just for fun!

6. 8 Mar 2012 05:51


Thanks, Clo! An old one of Kyung's: EGYPTIAN MUSICIANS

7. 25 Mar 2012 11:46


Aside from Clo's delightful ex-boyfriend, no evidence of interest in a place and time has appeared. Either we are too busy with our endangered animals, or the too early spring has made us lethargic. The latter is my problem. One week to get inspired, TD folks. Hope somebody is!

8. 26 Mar 2012 03:50


Normal, a subject came into my head just before I nodded off last night. Needless to say it's gone this morning ... but lethargy is a big problem, too. Spring has sprung, the temperature has rocketed, the grass is as high as an elephants eye (well not quite), greenhouse is being disinfected, garden plots beeing dug, pots and seed trays to be de-cobwebbed and washed, seeds to be sown. Perhaps if I get to sleep early tonight there just may be inspiration tomorrow. Excellent subject ... deserves an all out effort ... (now deep in thought).

9. 27 Mar 2012 11:42


Well here's one of my ideas at least! I don't identify with the priestesses, but with the silversmiths who chased St. Paul out of town after his first attempt...

10. 28 Mar 2012 11:49


Hi Normal,

I don't think I'll get the chance to draw anything soon (as besides having my hands full with work, I have somme issues with my computer), but I'd like to enter at least a couple of oldies both related to Rome.
One before I saw Rome:
and one after seeing Rome: .
I will be dropping by to check the new pics entered to this interesting challenge.

11. 28 Mar 2012 17:56


Thank you for your oldie donations, Shanley!
I wonder if we are just tired of Challenges in general, or folks have too much other stuff going on. I notice our Showcase topics generate a lot of activity, so maybe these are simply too much?

Hope we get a few more contributions!

12. 30 Mar 2012 07:27


Als ich das Bild von Normal gesehen habe, "temple of diana", hat mich das wieder erinnert, an eine Szene, die ich immer wieder vor mir habe, offensichtlich aus einem früheren Leben. Ich sitze in einem großen hellen, offenem Raum, vor mir eine Staffelei. Es ist kein Tempel, aber es gibt säulenartige Bögen statt Fenster, ich spüre wie die Luft hereinkommt und die Aussicht ist wundervoll. Es ist auf einer Anhöhe, einem Berg und ringsherum grün und dann das Meer. Ich bin ganz sicher, dass es Griechenland ist, ev. Santorin, aber es ist sehr grün, Sträucher, Bäume, Blumen... tiefblaues Wasser. Ich hatte das Bild schon als Kind in mir und irgendwann hab ich in einem Kalender eine ähnliche Fotografie gefunden, die hab ich ausgeschnitten und die war meine ganze Schulzeiti lang vor mir an der Wand beim Schreibtisch. (Very interesting, bc its impossible to write this in English)

13. 30 Mar 2012 09:08


That's delightful, sandm! Could you "draw" us just a bit of what you described? It's fascinating how we carry these mental images from who-knows-where.
I have some that have appeared in dreams, with people not looking like, but identified with people I've known in this life.

14. 31 Mar 2012 12:27


Normal, I dont want to try this picture, therefore I described it. It never woiuld be the same and I want to keep it by myself, as it is. But as soon as I am able to make a reasonable picture, I`ll draw a similar one with the same effect. Maybe tomorrow, so at least I´ll try it tomorrow.

15. 3 Apr 2012 02:01


Normal, this is such a good topic for a challenge. Please will you let it run for another week? There are so many absentee TDers ... maybe they are as busy as the bees at the moment, just waiting to dive back in here.

16. 3 Apr 2012 08:49


OK...By overwhelming popular request, this Mugdots challenge will run through Sunday 08 April. I hope a few more participate, as I was ready to let the whole challenge idea die a natural death.

Competition is fierce! One more week to enter! Hurry, hurry.

17. 3 Apr 2012 19:24


First life... no memory of being here...but pretty sure that's where I got my start.

18. 4 Apr 2012 08:08


That's where our bodies started at least. Though nobody was taking pictures of us at this stage - in my era. Thanks, Hazer. Still hoping for new ideas.....

19. 8 Apr 2012 16:32


Aurora Borealis - once witnessed, never forgotten:

20. 11 Apr 2012 01:30


Normal, I'm all in favour of this challenge running on. It's too good an idea to wind up with such low response. There are so many absentee artists at the moment and many of them could do justice to this interesting challenge.