Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Who likes the new Gallery set up?

1. 1 Mar 2012 14:28


I personally do not like the new set up for the gallery. Is anyone else with me? I liked seeing all the recent pictures instead of having this "roadblock". I mean, we can look at the pictures the people we are following have made by clicking on updates. And I don't really want to see all of the new people's pictures separately. I'd rather see them all together. so...any thoughts?

2. 2 Mar 2012 11:52


bagel, you should go to the feedback forum, there is a topic about this matter there:
you'll can read many interesting opinions there and also the way to go to the old gallery

3. 4 Mar 2012 13:29


I know I am very new here so I don't feel like my opinion is as valid as those TDers who have used this sight for years etc but personally I really liked the old gallery, I liked how I could come on & look at the most recently uploaded pictures & I would go through them taking a closer look at one's that caught my eye. Now I miss pictures that people have done...:( I know you can click to go back to the old gallery but I haven't been doing that as I guess soon that will go too so thought would be good to try to get used to the new gallery. I can't see any pros to this new gallery as yet? I also don't think the 'people you like' section is needed as you see that when you go to your updates & I find the colour backing on some pictures distracting...would love to here some pros for the new gallery??

4. 4 Mar 2012 13:52


Olivia, your opinion is as valid as anyone else's.

5. 5 Mar 2012 11:53


Thanks Polenta, x

6. 6 Mar 2012 07:54


You're right, Olivia. I preferred the old gallery.

7. 16 Mar 2012 19:38


I prefer the old gallery..


8. 17 Mar 2012 06:25


Old gallery for me please.The new gallery is an obstacle on my way to the REAL gallery.

9. 17 Mar 2012 06:34


Thank you TD for all the efforts with good intentions for the New Gallery, but please i too prefer the OLD GALLERY!!