Think Draw Forums
Forums - Think Draw Feedback - Thank you again for all Ya'll do!

1. 17 Jul 2011 09:52


Also thank you for your kind wishes!

2. 6 Aug 2011 05:38


Heya.. my thanks, also ... you're fabulous and thanks for this brilliant site !

3. 30 Jan 2012 07:00


Thank you so much for restoring some of my old pics=)

4. 30 Jan 2012 09:45


I would like to add my thanks also. And SO very happy for pollyesther! :]

5. 30 Jan 2012 14:37


Pollyesther, I would like to see back ALL your pics. They were MARVELOUS. You are one of the artsits who best works with palettes and landscapes. Is there a possibility?

6. 30 Jan 2012 18:50


I want to thank you pollyesther, indigo, polenta and esp. steve and Hazer for your trust and confidence you have shown. I am really overpowered! Thank you for the honour to be held in tension over month. I never would have known what to do with the unused energy, if you gave me just a simple information! Never take the easy way, it could be "too good".